Full copies
The sets of German National Library's metadata, the authority data from the Integrated Authority Files (GND), the bibliographic and holdings data of the German Union Catalogue of Serials (ZDB) as well as the address data (German ISIL-Directory) on this site are updated regularly. They are provided free of charge and for free subsequent use.
Along with these data dumps, we also offer other selections of bibliographic data relating to individual digital collections in the DNBLab.
An overview of all available metadata as well as the different options of obtaining data is given here.
Complete sets
You can view the current data version after accessing the download link in the respective data description.
Full copy | Provision (update) | Format, encoding UTF-8 decomposed | Number of records/file size (zipped) |
Integrated Authority File (GND) | March/April September/October | MARC 21 MARC21-xml | approx. 9.9 million/approx 2 GB |
Integrated Authority File (GND) | March/April September/October | RDF (RDF/XML) RDF (Turtle) RDF (JSON-LD) HDT file N-Triples | approx. 9.9 million/approx 1.7 GB |
Entity Facts | once a month | RDF (JSON-LD) | approx. 9.1 million/approx 1.2 GB |
Cross-concordances | September/October | RDF (RDF/XML) RDF (Turtle) RDF (JSON-LD) N-Triples | ** |
* Some geographical authority data contains unchanged coordinates from the GeoNames database and has done so since the end of January 2014.
** Contains terminology-specific datasets, a full copy of cross-concordances is not provided.
Redirects and deletions of authority data
- MARC 21: The dataset authorities-gnd_umlenk_loesch_JJJJMMTT with abbreviated data records is provided as an additional service to track all redirects ("x" in position 5 of the leader in MARC 21) and deletions ("d" in position 5 of the leader in MARC 21) made since the previous full copy of the GND. This file is useful for customers who used the control number in MARC field 001 to determine the valid GND number for redirects when transferring the GND data.
- RDF: The dataset authorities-gnd_umlenk_loesch.jsonld.gz is provided monthly via a stable hyperlink as well as a date-specific hyperlink (authorities-gnd_umlenk_loesch.jsonld_JJJJMMTT.jsonld.gz). It contains all abbreviated data records (redirects and deletions).
- The file is not relevant for customers who synchronise their GND collection with the GND, i.e. who constantly track redirects and deletions in the formats MARC 21 and RDF via the OAI interface or, for MARC 21 format, the weekly change service.
- Further information on the process at weekly change service.
Full copy | Provision (update) | Format, encoding | Number of records/file size (zipped) |
Bibliographic data of DNB*/** | March/April September/October | MARC 21 MARC21-xml | approx. 33 million/approx. 10.6 GB |
Bibliographic data of DNB*/*** | March/April September/October | RDF (RDF/XML) RDF (Turtle) RDF (JSON-LD) HDT file N-Triples | approx. 31.9 million/approx. 5.4 GB |
* Contains records that are not part of Deutsche Nationalbibliografie (German National Bibliography).
** A full copy of the bibliographic data with hyperlinks to digitised tables of contents is provided yearly in March/April free of charge in MARC 21 (also in XML structure).
*** All bibliographic data that has been converted to RDF format.
Some bibliographic data contains class information from the Thema subject classification system for books; this has been the case since October 2015.
Full copy | Provision (update) | Format, encoding | Number of records/file size (zipped) |
Bibliographic data of ZDB | March/April September/October | MARC 21 MARC21-xml | approx. 2.1 million/approx. 700 MB |
Bibliographic data of ZDB | March/April September/October | RDF (RDF/XML) RDF (Turtle) RDF (JSON-LD) HDT file N-Triples | approx. 2.1 million/approx. 400 MB |
ZDB holding data | March/April September/October | MARC 21 MARC21-xml | approx. 22.7 million/approx. 1.7 GB |
Address data (German ISIL-Directory) | March/April September/October | RDF (RDF/XML) RDF (Turtle) RDF (JSON-LD) HDT file N-Triples | approx. 21.300/approx. 4 MB |
Along with these data dumps, we also offer (theme-based) bibliographic data sets and open access digital object collections. You will find more information about these in the DNBLab.
Ongoing updates
Full copies can be regularly updated free of charge through the OAI interface as well as through the WWW and SFTP servers.
Archived full copies
Are you interested in archived full copies for research purposes?
The German National Library has been archiving full copies of its bibliographic data, the authority data of the Integrated Authority File (GND), its address data (ISIL and Library Code Directory) and the bibliographic and holdings data of the German Union Catalogue of Serials (ZDB) every year since 2021.
If you are interested, please send an email to metadatendienste@dnb.de.
Terms of use and provision
Detailed information on terms of use and provision is given here.
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
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