DDEX ERN for depositing online publications with the German National Library
Scope of application
The format DDEX ERN 4.3 can be used when depositing music audio files. Please note: Further technical options for depositing music audio files (e.g. for labels without DDEX-ERN data) have not yet been implemented. If you are planning to deposit music audio files with the DNB, please contact musik-np@dnb.de.
The documentation describes how metadata in DDEX ERN 4.3 format must be structured if they are to be successfully deposited with the DNB. Metadata elements can be obligatory or facultative. It is also possible to transfer and record additional metadata which go beyond the minimum requirements. All data are reviewed during the test phase required before the publication is deposited.
Metadata documentation for the format DDEX ERN 4.3, version 1.0, dated 20.11.2023
(only available in German)
Format versions
Format versions. The latest version of DDEX ERN 4.3 (2022) is preferred when transmitting data to the DNB. Information on the values permitted in DDEX ERN is displayed in the Allowed Value Set (AVS), see https://service.ddex.net/dd/DD-AVS-CURRENT/.
You will find the schema in the DDEX Knowledge Base along with further information: https://kb.ddex.net/implementing-each-standard/electronic-release-notification-message-suite-(ern)/.
DDEX ERN 4.2 can also be used to deposit publications with the DNB.
DDEX Beispieldateien mit XML-Daten in ERN 4.3 und 4.2
User IDs are used to identify the sender and recipient in the metadata. The DDEX user ID utilised when exchanging data is the “DDEX Party Identifier” (DPID). The German National Library's DPID is: PADPIDA2022050211U.
Further information
Please follow the guideline below when preparing your publication for deposit:
Additionally, please take note of the information in the following document when depositing data:
- Specifications for transfer digital music to the German National Library using hotfolders
- Example of transfer (File format zip, File size ca. 120 MB)
Documents and general information on the DDEX standards are provided in the knowledge base, see https://kb.ddex.net/.
Depositing online publications – an overview: https://www.dnb.de/EN/netzpublikationen
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