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XMetaDissPlus (XMDP)

XMetaDissPlus (XMDP) is a metadata standard used to describe online university publications and other types of publication. The German National Library developed this standard in cooperation with the Library Service Centre Baden-Württemberg (BSZ).

It can be used when depositing university publications, e-books, periodicals (articles and issues) and research data.

Schema version 2.5 (update 2023) 41kB, zip - Not barrier-free file.
All changes in version 2.5 are backward-compatible with version 2.4.

Please note: The new documentation is still in progress. Please read the readme.txt file in the ZIP package.

Metadaten-Dokumentation für das Format XmetaDissPlus, Version 1.1, Stand 15.06.2022 (only available in German)

Sample files with XML in XMDP 35kB, zip - Not barrier-free file.

Last changes: 09.03.2023

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