Collection of non-physical media works
On this page, we provide information about the submission procedures for digital publications. You will find the legal provisions governing the obligation to deposit works at the German National Library on the page Our collection mandate.
What are non-physical media works?
Non-physical media works are works published in the internet. We also refer to them as online publications or digital resources.
What is subject to the legal deposit obligation?
Our collection mandate encompasses all texts, images and sound recordings accessible in the internet. These include both digital publications with printed equivalents and web-only media works.
More specifically, the obligation to submit online publications refers to
- books (e-books)
- journals (e-journals)
- daily newspapers (e-papers)
- university theses
- music
- sheet music
- audio books
- digitised works
In general, a deposit obligation exists even if the German National Library also collects physical versions of the publication.
We do not collect the following online publications: prepublications with a limited lifetime, pure software or application tools, television and radio productions, online publications that serve purely commercial or private purposes, for example product catalogs or digital photo albums.
We catalogue and archive the digital publications, guarantee their authenticity and ensure that they will remain available in the long term. Digital publications are given a Uniform Resource Name (URN) so that they can be uniquely and permanently identified and addressed. Each of the digital publications in our collections are indexed in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie and in our catalogue.
The decision as to which rights of use or access apply to each digital publication is made by you as the rights holder; alternatively, these rights are determined in accordance with the applicable copyright legislation. As default, the use of archived digital publications is restricted to registered users in the reading rooms in Leipzig and Frankfurt am Main. The reading room devices to access digital publications have no internet connection, and it is not possible to store online publications on your own storage medium or process them in any other way. Moreover, digital publications may only be printed out insofar as the copyright laws permit.
For web archiving we use automated harvesting procedures.
Advantages of depositing publications
What are the advantages of depositing publications other than fulfilling the legal deposit (DNBG)?
- Your publications are indexed in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie (German National Bibliography) and thus become part of Germany's national memory.
- Your titles are indexed in the German National Library's catalogue, which is used worldwide, and the corresponding metadata are re-used in other bibliographic databases.
- Data can be (re-)exported from the German National Library's holdings using various metadata formats (e. g. MARCXML ) and interfaces (
- The long-term archiving guaranteed by the DNB ensures that your objects will remain usable in the long term (although access on devices other than the DNB's specially protected reading room computers is only possible in the case of objects approved for this purpose by the rights holder). The publications are stored in our long-term archive system.
- Assignment of a free URN as a persistent identifier so that online resources can be uniquely and permanently referenced and cited reliably. Datasets without a URN are assigned an URN from a special subnamespace when they are imported into our holdings. The DNB adopts other persistent identifiers such as DOI, Handle or ARK when collecting digital publications and records them in the metadata.
- Final authorisation and listing of an ISSN in the ISSN register (if the ISSN was previously only granted provisionally as part of an advance assignment process). More information on ISSN:
- Before the automatic deposit is made, there is a test phase during which we give you personal advice on the choice of format and interface. You will receive professional reports on the quality of your bibliographic metadata.
Submission procedures
We offer the following options for the legal deposit of digital publications:
- automated procedures for larger quantities of publications and
- web forms for individual publications
Regardless of which option you choose, you are required to send us your digital publications together with the relevant metadata or make them available to us for harvesting.
We use machine-based quality assurance procedures to examine the publications deposited and determine whether they are suitable for long-term digital archiving.
More about our file format policy
If you do not wish to make mandatory deposits of digital publications yourself, you can commission a service company to do so. We will provide you on request with a list of the companies we already cooperate with.
If you are subject to the legal deposit requirement and wish to commission a company to make the deposit on your behalf, or if you are a service company interested in being included in our reference list, please contact:
Video "Submission procedures"
[Video in German language with English subtitles.]
Personalized access gives you extended access to the services of the German National Library.You must register with us before making your first deposit of digital publications. For this, please use the following link.
After registering, you will receive an automatically generated e-mail containing your password. Click on the link in this e-mail to complete the registration process.
We will activate your deposit account on request. To do this, please log in and go to “Mein Konto“/“Freischaltung beantragen für“/“Ablieferung von Netzpublikationen“ (My account/Request activation for/Submission of online publications). You are then required to complete the form and check your input on the page “Daten bestätigen” (Confirm data). After sending the form, you will receive an e-mail message from us within a period of one working day.
We will gladly also contact you directly to clarify details of the deposit procedure. Please send your queries to
More about registration for the submission procedures for online publications (only available in German):
Mehr zur Registrierung für die Ablieferung von Netzpublikationen
Submission using automated procedures
When submitting larger quantities of digital publications, you can choose between hotfolder and OAI-PMH procedures. You can use both procedures to submit monographs, university theses, audio books, music, sheet music and periodicals.
If you choose the hotfolder procedure, we will set up an FTP account for you. You can then send digital publications and metadata to our server through an SFTP or WebDAV interface. This is effected by means of individual zipped transfer packets, each containing one digital publication together with its metadata record.
Example of a transfer package (only available in German)
Please take note of the information in the following document when depositing music publications:
Specifications for transfer digital music to the German National Library using hotfolders
Example of transfer music (Data format zip, data size ca. 120 MB)
OAI-PMH is a technical protocol that describes the exact procedure of exchanging metadata and must be implemented by both parties. The submitter (server) provides a repository. The German National Library (client) can automatically obtain information about new publications and collect the metadata through an interface. Please provide a transfer URL so that we can collect the works. This is used solely to transmit the publication; we will not store it or forward it to anyone else. As the protocol is HTTP-based, all security mechanisms supported by HTTP can be used to protect the information transmitted.
More about delivery by OAI-PMH (Last updated 22 February 2012 (only available in German)
Metadata for automated procedures
Core set
Our metadata core set contains format-independent definitions of bibliographic information (e.g. “corporate bodies”) required for the automated submission of online publications
Metadata core set for all types of publication (Last updated: 28 August 2023)
Metadata is delivered in XML-based standard formats. Detailed information about the bibliographic metadata standards that we are currently able to process automatically is provided in the following documents. They explain which XML elements must be provided when submitting digital publications and which other elements should be provided if they are available. Please use the documents together with the metadata core set.
Crossref (journal articles)
DDEX ERN (music audio files)
NISO JATS (journal articles)
MARCXML (e-books, university theses, sheet music, periodicals (individual articles and issues)
ONIX (e-books, university theses, audio books, sheet music)
XMetaDissPlus (university theses, e-books, research data belonging to dissertations, periodicals (individual articles and issues)
Submission by web form
The web forms can be used when depositing smaller quantities of online publications. You can use them to submit monographs, university dissertations and theses, sheet music and journals.
Monographs, university dissertations and theses and sheet music can be submitted together with the metadata using the form “Monografien/Hochschulprüfungsarbeiten/Noten“ (Monographs/university dissertations and theses/sheet music).
In the case of journals, please start by making a one-off metadata delivery using the form “Periodische Publikation – Titelmeldung” (Periodical publication – title registration). Afterwards, you can regularly deposit the articles or issues together with the metadata using the form “Periodische Publikation – Lieferung” (Periodical publication – delivery).
After logging in, retrieve the corresponding web form, fill it out and check your input on the page “Daten bestätigen” (Confirm data). After sending the form, you will receive confirmation that the data has been transmitted successfully.
Instructions for depositing monographic online publications, university dissertations/theses and sheet music using the web form (only available in German)
Instructions for registering titles and depositing periodical online publications using the web form (only available in German)
Help for using the web form (only available in German)
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Online publication service
Phone +49 341 2271-282
Technical service
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