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Limited opening hours at the DNB in Leipzig

Please note our limited opening hours on 27 and 28 March during the Leipzig Book Fair.


Structure of bibliographic records series T


Please note that the online newsletters (PDF) of the individual series of the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie (available via the start page of the catalogue of German National Library) as well as the option to export an individual bibliography in PDF format will be terminated 1 July 2025.


Series T consists of musical recordings. The subject categories included are also saved as bookmarks in the PDF file to make the Nationalbibliografie easier to navigate. Individual elements of multi-part publications are listed in their own subject category provided they have one; otherwise, they are listed in the same subject category as the complete work. Titles are arranged in alphabetical order.

Bibliographic records for musical recordings are arranged using the DDC Subject Categories for series M and T; DDC numbers consisting of up to six digits are taken into account so that search results can be refined still further.

Titles have been described using the Resource Description and Access (RDA) framework since October 2015. These descriptions are based on the International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD).

Examples of bibliographic information

Example of bibliographic information of a CD
DDC Subject Categoriesgeographic area code<784.23> XA-DE
link to catalogue
agent, who is responsible for creating the work: Burggrabe, Helge:
[preferred title of work] title proper / statement of responsibility. - [HUMAN] HUMAN / Helge Burggrabe ; with: Deutsches Kammerorchester Berlin, Duncan Ward, Elbtonal Percussion & John Kameel Farah. -
publication statement, date of publication. - Hamburg: Neue Meister, [2020]. -
extent of manifestation . - 1 CD + 1 Booklet (20 ungezählte Seiten) . -
notesAuf der Titelseite erscheint der Buchstabe "A" im Wort Human als ">"
- identifier for manifestation- Bestellnummer 0301404NM - UPC -885470014043
data carrierDatenträger: CD
Example of bibliographic information of a media combination
DDC Subject Categoriesgeographic area code<781.66> XA-DE
link to catalogue
title proper / statement of responsibility. - Rübezahls Reise / Witt. -
publication statement[Hamburg] : Ventil
link to catalogue
publication statement. - date of publication. - extent [CD]. - [Limitierte Fanbox]. - [2022]. - 1 CD
- identifier for manifestation- Bestellnummer VENTIL032022 - Bestellnummer 032022 - Bestellnummer VENTIL 022022 - Bestellnummer 022022 - EAN 4260472170816 - EAN 4260472170809
data carrierDatenträger: CD


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