Structure of bibliographic records series A
Please note that the online newsletters (PDF) of the individual series of the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie (available via the start page of the catalogue of German National Library) as well as the option to export an individual bibliography in PDF format will be terminated 1 July 2025.
Series A consists of media works from the publishers’ book trade. It also contains foreign-language media works about Germany, marked *G*, and translations of German-language works published abroad, marked *Ü*. The bibliographic information themselves are structured on the basis of DDC Subject Categories. The subject categories included are also saved as bookmarks in the PDF file to make the Nationalbibliografie easier to navigate. Individual elements of multi-part publications are listed in their own subject category provided they have one; otherwise, they are listed in the same subject category as the complete work. Titles are arranged in alphabetical order within each subject category.
Titles have been described using the Resource Description and Access (RDA) framework since October 2015. These descriptions are based on the International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD).
Examples of bibliographic information
Explanation | Example | ||
DDC Subject Categories | geographic area code | <K;150> | XA-DE-HE |
link to catalogue | New Release Service number | | 19,N19 |
agent, who is responsible for creating the work: | Covey, Sean: | ||
[preferred title of work] title proper : other titel information / statement of responsibility. - | [The 7 habits of highly effective teens] Die 7 Wege zur Effektivität für Jugendliche : so lebst du deine Ziele und Träume / Sean Covey. - | ||
designation of edition. - publication statement, date of publication. - | 7., neu übersetzte und überarbeitete Auflage. - Offenbach : GABAL, [2019]. - | ||
extent of manifestation : illustrative content ; dimensions . - | 248 Seiten : Illustrationen ; 23 cm . - | ||
link(s) to publisher information. - link to table of contents | Inhaltstext . – Inhaltsverzeichnis | ||
- identifier for manifestation | - ISBN 978-3-86936-940-2 | ||
binding of manifestation : price | Broschur : circa EUR 19.90 (DE), circa EUR 20.50 (AT), circa CHF27.90 (freier Preis) | ||
- further identifiers | - ISBN 3-86936-940-X . - EAN 9783869369402. - Erscheint auch als Online-Ausgabe ISBN 9783956238840 . - Erscheint auch als Online-Ausgabe ISBN 9783956238857 . - Vorangegangen ist ISBN 9783897496637 | ||
subject headings | SW: Jugend ; Erfolg ; Lebensführung | ||
nature of content | FSW: Jugendsachbuch | ||
target audience | Zielgruppe: Jugend |
Explanation | Example | ||
DDC Subject Categories | geographic area code | <800;700;100> | XA-DE-NW |
link to catalogue | New Release Service number | | 20,N24 |
title proper : other titel information / statement of responsibility. - | Pathos - Affektformationen in Kunst, Literatur und Philosophie : Festschrift zu Ehren von Gerhard Poppenberg / Giulia Agostini, Herle-Christin Jessen (Hg.). – | ||
publication statement, date of publication. - | Paderborn, Deutschland : Brill, Wilhelm Fink, [2020]. - | ||
extent of manifestation : illustrative content ; dimensions, weight . - | XXIII, 585 Seiten : Illustrationen ; 25 cm, 1206 g . - | ||
link(s) to publisher information. - link to table of contents. | Inhaltstext . – Angaben zum Inhalt - Inhaltsverzeichnis | ||
- identifier for manifestation | - ISBN 978-3-7705-6557-3 | ||
binding of manifestation : price | Festeinband : EUR 79.00 (DE), EUR 81.30 (AT) | ||
- further identifier | - ISBN 3-7705-6557-6 - EAN 9783770565573 . - Erscheint auch als Online-Ausgabe ISBN 9783846765579 | ||
subject headings | SW: Pathos ; Literatur ; Geschichte | ||
DDC number(s) | DDC: 809.93353 | ||
nature of content | FSW: Festschrift ¤ Aufsatzsammlung |
Explanation | Example | ||
DDC Subject Categories | geographic area code | <K> | XA-DE |
link to catalogue | New Release Service number | | 15,N23 |
agent, who is responsible for creating the work: | Gödde, Marcell: | ||
title proper / statement of responsibility. - | Kleiner Eisbär - Lars und die Pandabären / mit den Stimmen von Ingolf Lück, Hella von Sinnen u.a. ; geschrieben von Marcell Gödde. - | ||
publication statement, date of publication. - | Berlin : KIDDINX, [2021]. - | ||
extent of manifestation | 1 CD + 1 Booklet (4 ungezählte Seiten) | ||
- identifier for manifestation | - EAN 4001504228569 | ||
data carrier | Datenträger: CD | ||
nature of content | FSW: Hörspiel ¤ Kinderbuch | ||
target audience | Zielgruppe: Kind |
The prefix “SW:” is followed in lower-case italics by the subject headings that have been assigned in accordance with the most recently updated Rules for Regeln für die Schlagwortkatalogisierung (German rules for cataloguing by subject headings) and linked to form one or more sequences. The elements in each subject heading sequence are separated by semi-colons. The individual subject headings match the controlled terminology in the vocabulary used in the Integrated Authority File (GND). If a document has to be catalogued using two or more subject heading sequences, these are written consecutively and only separated by the character ¤. The subject heading sequences are followed by Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) numbers; these are prefixed by “DDC:” and also set out in lower-case italics. Up to three numbers may be listed. The DDC numbers are followed by additional information, also in lower-case italics, from the controlled terminology used in the GND’s vocabulary, e.g. “data carrier”, “nature of content” and “target audience”. Multiple items in the same category are separated by the character ¤.
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