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The German National Library in Frankfurt am Main will be closed from 10 to 22 March 2025. The exhibitions of the German Exile Archive will open Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 21:30 and on Saturdays from 10:00 to 17:30.

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Marcel Reich-Ranicki.
One life, many roles.

A black-and-white photo of Marcel Reich-Ranicki with his index finger raised. A black-and-white photo of Marcel Reich-Ranicki with his index finger raised. Photo: F.A.Z.-Photo/Frank Röth

Temporary Exhibition of the German Exile Archiv 1933-1945 in Frankfurt am Main
3 June 2022 until 14 January 2023


Who was Marcel Reich-Ranicki? What should be highlighted and remembered in an exhibition about him? His incredible life’s work, his numerous fields of interest, but also the historic events that so greatly influenced Reich-Ranicki’s biography make it difficult to encapsulate the phenomenon that Reich-Ranicki embodied. Yet these things also make it all the more exciting to focus on the many different roles that Reich-Ranicki adopted or was forced to adopt during his lifetime.

The exhibition at the German Exile Archive 1933–1945 is curated by Uwe Wittstock, author of the book “Marcel Reich-Ranicki. Die Biografie” and Sylvia Asmus, Head of the German Exile Archive. In seven chapters, it examines the complex personality that was Reich-Raniki. The exhibition introduces Reich-Ranicki to visitors as a contemporary witness, a man in search of a homeland, a critic, literature advocate, friend, media star and as someone who felt ambivalent towards his Jewish heritage.

The exhibition is sponsored by Kulturfonds Frankfurt RheinMain (Frankfurt RheinMain Culture Fund) and Stiftung Polytechnische Gesellschaft (Polytechnical Association Foundation). In cooperation with ZDF.

Logos of the Polytechnical Association Foundation, the Frankfurt RheinMain Culture Fund as well as the Second German Television

Get a glimpse of the exhibition

Recordings only available in German

Our Director General, Frank Scholze, provides an impression of Reich-Ranicki’s indefatigable labours as an author.

Using a truly special photo, Sylvia Asmus explains how Reich-Ranicki moved from being merely a witness to a contemporary witness.

Uwe Wittstock shows Marcel Reich-Ranicki’s citizenship certificate, which he received at the age of 39.

Frankfurt never became a ‘homeland’ for Tosia and Marcel Reich-Ranicki, but certainly did become home. And this is something truly special, says Petra Roth, the city’s former Lord Mayor.

Years after his death, Marcel Reich-Ranicki is still the subject of anti-Semitic defamation, as Sylvia Asmus explains.

Salomon Korn, Chair of the Jüdische Gemeinde (Jewish Community), on the great success and unexpected impact of Reich-Ranicki’s “Literaturforum im Jüdischen Gemeindezentrum” (“Literary Forum in the Jewish Community Centre”).

Tosia Reich-Ranicki kept a meticulous record of her husband’s publications. Uwe Wittstock presents her notebook.

The author Eva Demski and Marcel Reich-Ranicki shared a friendship over many years – in an interview, she discusses how important remembrance work was to him.

Uwe Wittstock on Reich-Ranicki’s legendary enmities and close friendships.

“I refuse to accept this award” – Sylvia Asmus on a sensational moment in German television history.

A quick tour of the temporary exhibition “Marcel Reich-Ranicki. One Life, Many Roles”. In addition to documents and photos from the life of Reich-Ranicki, it contains numerous video and audio content. Visitors were asked to leave their personal reading recommendations on the Kanon wall.

Last changes: 16.01.2023

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