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in Frankfurt am Main!

The German National Library in Frankfurt am Main will be closed from 10 to 22 March 2025. The exhibitions of the German Exile Archive will open Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 21:30 and on Saturdays from 10:00 to 17:30.

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About MARC 21

The MARC formats are standards for the representation and exchange of data in machine-readable form.The Network Development and MARC Standards Office (NDMSO), supported by the MARC Advisory Committee, is responsible for maintaining and developing the format.

MARC 21 is also available in an XML structure as well as in two extended format variants in the context of MARC local fields.

In 2004 the Committee for Library Standards resolved to deploy MARC 21 as a uniform exchange format in an effort to bring the German standards into line with international practice. Since the bibliographic year 2009, the German National Library has been delivering its data in the format MARC 21. The point of contact for German-speaking users of the format is the Office of Library Standards at the German National Library. Most of the documents are available in German only.

MARC 21 in the German National Library

Overview of our Export-Release-Cycle depending on the ILTIS-Change-Management, information about the changes, test data.

MARC 21 in the German National Library
TypeValid from 06.02.2024Valid from 18.06.2024Valid from 02.09.2025
Bibliographic data of the German National Library and Zeitschriftendatenbank (ZDB)Feldbeschreibung Titeldaten
Version 4.1
(Update: 6 November 2023)

Feldbeschreibung Titeldaten

Version 4.2
(Update: 11. March 2024)

Publication 26.05.2025
Arbeitstabelle Feldbeschreibung Titeldaten im Format MARC 21 (Stand: 6. November 2023) 159kB, zip - Not barrier-free file. Arbeitstabelle Feldbeschreibung Titeldaten im Format MARC 21 (Stand: 11. März 2024) 160kB, zip - Not barrier-free file.Publication 26.05.2025
Feldbeschreibung Bestandsdaten
Version 1.5
(Update: 6 March 2023)
Feldbeschreibung Bestandsdaten
Version 1.5
(Update: 6 March 2023)
Publication 26.05.2025
Arbeitstabelle Feldbeschreibung Bestandsdaten im Format MARC 21 (Stand: 6. März 2023) 32kB, zip - Not barrier-free file.
Arbeitstabelle Feldbeschreibung Bestandsdaten im Format MARC 21 (Stand: 6. März 2023) 32kB, zip - Not barrier-free file.
Publication 26.05.2025
Authority records (GND)Feldbeschreibung Gemeinsame Normdatei
Version 2.5
(Update: 6. November 2023)
Feldbeschreibung Gemeinsame Normdatei
Version 2.5
(Update: 6. November 2023)
Publication 26.05.2025
Arbeitstabelle Feldbeschreibung Normdaten im Format MARC 21 (Stand: 26. Juni 2023) 57kB, zip - Not barrier-free file.Unchanged,
Arbeitstabelle Feldbeschreibung Normdaten im Format MARC 21 (Stand: 6. November 2023) 57kB, zip - Not barrier-free file.
Publication 26.05.2025


(only available in German)

MARC local fields

Additionally, there are two extended format variants of MARC21-xml available for specific purposes (e. g. interlibrary lending):

  • MARC21plus-xml (bibliographic data in MARC21-xml Bibliographic and holdings data in MARC21-xml Holdings in an XML element with the designation "Collection"):
    example query via the SRU interface
  • MARC21plus-1-xml (bibliographic data in MARC21-xml Bibliographic with MARC field 924 (in German only), which is limited to the bibliographic data of the German Union Catalogue of Serials (ZDB) and contains selected holdings information relevant for interlibrary lending on the bibliographic level):
    example query via the SRU interface

Further documentation (only available in German):


Last changes: 14.10.2024

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