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in Frankfurt am Main!

The German National Library in Frankfurt am Main will be closed from 10 to 22 March 2025. The exhibitions of the German Exile Archive will open Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 21:30 and on Saturdays from 10:00 to 17:30.
The car park is open as usual.

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Support your German National Library

Image collage of aerial photographs of the two locations of the German National Library in Leipzig and Frankfurt am Main. Photos: li. PUNCTUM, Bertram Kober; re. Alexander Paul Englert

Support and design together

The German National Library is Germany's central archival library and consequently one of the biggest libraries in the world. We collect, document and archive all text, image and audio publications issued in Germany since 1913 together with media works that were compiled in the German language or relate to Germany. The German National Library is Germany's central archival library and consequently one of the biggest libraries in the world. With more than 50 million media and the unique collections held by the German Museum of Books and Writing, the German Exile Archive 1933–1945 and the German Music Archive, we are an archive, a museum and a library in one.

By giving us your support, you are making a valuable contribution that will help us preserve this cultural heritage – the memory of the nation - for future generations, make it accessible to all and enable everyone to experience it. Help us realise current projects, break new ground in the field of digitisation, promote education and strengthen democracy.

Make inspiring worlds of knowledge accessible to all. Your commitment brings culture and history to life. Any support counts!

Frank Scholze Photo: Alexander Paul Englert

"The German National Library is more than just an archive – it is an active, vital memory which preserves our history and identity and makes them accessible to all. Your support enables us to protect this valuable cultural asset, research it and keep finding new ways to bring it to life."

Frank Scholze, Director General of the German National Library

Donate now

Support the German National Library's work by making a bank transfer or setting up a standing order payable to the following account. Your donation to the German National Library is tax-deductible.

Account holder: Bundeskasse Trier
Bank: Deutsche Bundesbank Filiale Saarbrücken
IBAN: DE81 5900 0000 0059 0010 20
Intended use: 1156 5111 1240, Spende DNB

Tax deductibility

Designated support

Support an area which is especially close to your heart. Whether for educational purposes, research, our cultural programme or our collections – your donation is a valuable gift to the German National Library.

Promoting education – sharing knowledge

A woman shows a group of children an object from the museum collection. Photo: Klaus D. Sonntag

Preserving collections – shaping their use

One person wears headphones and looks at a fixed tablet on the listening station. Photo: DNB, Stephan Jockel

Expanding our cultural programme – fostering dialogue

Caroline Wahl in conversation with Andrea Reidt on the podium in front of an audience in the hall. Photo: Johanna Baschke

Facilitating research – linking the scientific community

Four people sit around a computer and talk. Photo: DNB, Stephan Jockel

Funded projects

Numerous projects have benefited from generous support in the past. A selection:

A young woman is sitting in front of her laptop, on which the “DNB LAB” website is displayed. Photo: DNB, Stephan Jockel

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DNBLab – Study and research – what we offer

With its multitude of tools, open access data and resources, DNBLab is the main point of contact for the German National Library’s digital services. We have now been using DNBLab to supply data for practical scientific purposes for five years. This service is accompanied by a diversified educational programme.


The opportunities to get involved are many and varied. We are happy to tell you more and answer your questions at

Last changes: 06.02.2025

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