Archived press releases
- Restitution of Stolberg-Wernigerode Library
- #everynamecounts challenge commemorates people stripped of their German citizenship
Renovation work at the German National Library in Frankfurt am Main
Reading rooms temporarily closed
20th anniversary: German Book Prize novels now available for language research
Disruptive elements: Jazz, protest and revolution
- Building for posterity. The winners of the architectural competition have been selected
Building for posterity.
Fifth extension building to be constructed for the German National Library in Leipzig - "This is us! 75 years of Basic Law. A publication history."
- The Leipzig exhibition "The monument is…" to tour Germany from May 2024
- German National Library grants user access to young people aged 16 and over
- AugenRausch – new podcast by the German Museum of Books and Writing
- Everything but flat - the guest country of the Leipzig Book Fair in two exhibitions at the German Book and Writing Museum
- The German Exile Archive acquires the written estate of painter Karl Schwesig
- KNOW MORE. With us.
- Open day in Frankfurt am Main
- Visitors can now help develop eyewitness testimonies for the future.
The ugly duckling of publishing? Books on Demand
"Wissensspeicher in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Die Deutsche Bibliothek 1945 – 1990"
111 years of the German National Library - Win a bus trip to our Open Day in Frankfurt am Main on 12 November 2023
City council adopts a resolution on Campus V
- Renovation and conversion work at the German National Library in Leipzig
- 111th Birthday of the German National Library – Day of Action in Leipzig
- "Frag nach! Just ask!“ Digital interactive Interviews with Inge Auerbacher and Kurt S. Maier
Johannes Neuer is the Director of the German National Library in Leipzig
Spector Books: Handapparat.
Gutenberg Prize of the City of Leipzig
Knowledge creates democracy. The Library of St. Pauls Church, Frankfurt
Music at the German National Library in Frankfurt
- Remembering the book burnings
- Leipzig Book Fair 2023
"Jetzt & Alles". Austrian literature. The last 50 years.
- Spy for Britain
- before/after. Destruction of cultural sites in Ukraine
- The German National Library is turning 111!
- Johannes Neuer has been appointed director of the German National Library in Leipzig
- Training day at the German National Library in Leipzig
- “Tiefenbohrung. Eine andere Provenienzgeschichte”
- Vocational Training Day at the German National Library in Frankfurt am Main
- "Tage des Exils 2022" (Days of Exile 2022) in Frankfurt am Main
- Marcel Reich-Ranicki. One life, many roles
- Kurt S. Maier’s life-story as an interactive testimony
- Pictures for Ukraine, for Europe.
- Exhibition “Poetry in 3D. Text Sculptures and Poem Objects since 1960”
Exhibition “A Friendship in Correspondence. Axel Scheffler’s Fantastical Letter Illustrations“
- “History and Remembrance”
- Prof. Guy Stern’s 100th birthday
- Underground and independent comics at the German Museum of Books and Writing
- Leo Perutz’ literary estate now accessible worldwide in digital format
- The German and Canadian national libraries to sign memorandum of understandig
- Training day at the German National Library in Leipzig
- Vocational Training Day at the German National Library in Frankfurt am Main
- Goethe VR
- Don’t wait for better times! // Presentation of the OVID Prize to Wolf Biermann
- 10 million online publications
- Child emigration from Frankfurt
- Jan Tschichold revisited – the digital layer
“Life in Exile”: an exhibition by ZDFkultur and the German Exile Archive 1933–1945
- The German National Library is involved in setting up the “Text+” research data infrastructure
- „Klingendes Gedächtnis“
- Eric Schaal’s photographic estate now accessible world-wide in digital format
- “Endless expanses ...”
- Ulrich Becher in the German Exile Archive 1933-1945
- 10 years since the fourth extension in Leipzig
- Leipzig provenance
Exhibition: Translation – From Babylon to DeepL. The Europe of Languages
clicked in – A virtual look behind the scenes at the DNB
- “Jewish periodicals in Nazi Germany” accessible online
- Books in the third Dimension
- Flyers and daily newspapers
- Book bags
- Strategic Priorities 2021–2024
- KlingKlang - sounds from media history
- The German National Library and Wikimedia Deutschland publish the WikiLibrary Manifesto
- Listening station on the topic of exile on the forecourt of the German National Library in Leipzig from 6 October 2020
- Erika Mann. Cabaret Artist – War Correspondent – Political Speaker
- 370 years of newspaper printing in Leipzig
- "House of Europe. Europäische Zeugnisse in der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek"
- "Reading EUROPE"
- "Inside Beethoven!" The Walk-In Ensemble
- Cricket Cage and Hookah: The Chinese Scholars’ House – A cultural export from around 1900
- Frank Scholze to be appointed the new Director General
- “Disruptive elements. Art, protest an the end of the GDR“
- „...the wind sets down its bag in another land…” – Herta Müller. Collages
Freedom – art – community
- “Filth and Trash. The Weimar Republic”
- Frank Scholze replaces Elisabeth Niggemann as the Director General of the German National Library
- Oskar Maria Graf: Rebel, global citizen, storyteller
- Events and exhibitions in the German National Library in Leipzig during the Leipzig Book Fair 2019
- Leipzig museum reading room open on Sundays
Jan Tschichold – a once-in-a-century typographer? Insights into his legacy
Temporary Exhibition at the German Museum of Books and Writing German National Library in Leipzig -
Circus at the Printers. Czech avant-garde
Showcase exhibition in the display vault of the German Museum of Books and Writing -
Digitale Welten in der Bibliothek - wie sie unsere Gemeinschaft und die Architektur verändern
Presentation, panel discussion and guided tour
Historic publisher’s catalogues cleaned and preserved for the collection
- Books and Bombs - Book city Leipzig and the 4th of December 1943
Campus mile – ideas for redeveloping the Frankfurter Alleenring
Apprenticeship Day at the German National Library in Leipzig
Library – Culture – Politics
“Mon Oncle. Klaus and Heinrich Mann”
Symbols as Weapons. By the Example of the Red Army Faction’s Insignia
Exile. Experience and Testimony
- Preservation: Historical and genealogical charts usable again
- Events and exhibitions in the German National Library in Leipzig during the Leipzig Book Fair 2016
A World of Knowledge
- “German National Library 2025: Strategic Compass” published
- Centenary of the official opening of the Deutsche Bücherei building
- GERMAN AND JEWISH - Snapshots of German-Jewish history
- Sensationalism – Propaganda – Resistance. 500 years of leaflets: from Luther to the present day
- Leibnix - The polymath in Mosaik
Subject cataloguing - Quo vadis? “Satellite conference” on 4 November 2016 in Frankfurt am Main in advance of the annual meeting of the RDA Steering Committee RSC
- A stroll through 5,000 years of media history
- Licensing service for out-of-commerce works successfully launched
- Start of cataloguing based on new Resource Description and Access (RDA) standard
- Speeddating with the experts:
- Testimony of exile history - Suitcase of author Walter Meckauer (1889-1966) to be preserved
Cataloguing according to the new Resource Description and Access RDA
- “Semer” Schallplatten 1932 – 1938. A musical journey from the past to the present
- Quelle lebender Bücher
- geschrieben – gesetzt
- SchriftBild. Russische Avantgarde
- Metadata available free of charge from 1 July under CC0
- Kafka im Künstlerbuch
Tag der offenen Tür am 31. Mai 2015
- Leipzig Book Fair 2015
- Digitisation of out-of-commerce works
- Internet collection open for use
- “Kindheit und Jugend im Ersten Weltkrieg”
- Künstlerbücher transatlantisch
Exil und Sprache
- 3186 Insel-Bücherei volumes from the collection of H. and A. Isermeyer, Bremen, for the German Museum of Books and Writing
- Upcoming event: Philipp Ther: “Die Neue Ordnung auf dem alten Kontinent – Eine Geschichte des neoliberalen Europa”
- TOOR! Der Ball, die Medien und Du – die Fußballweltmeisterschaft 2014 in der medialen Nachlese
- Periodicals metadata available under CC0 1.0
- E-mail issued before postal reminders
- Europeana Sounds: a gateway to Europe’s sound and music heritage
- 25th anniversary of the “Gesellschaft für des Buch”
- Kriegsalltag und Medienwelt: Virtuelle Ausstellung 100 Jahre Erster Weltkrieg
- 5.000 years of media history online
- Ballet of the Leipzig Opera and the Papiertheater guesting at the German National Library in Leipzig
- Die Welt in Leipzig. Internationale Ausstellung Leipzig. Internationale Ausstellung für Buchgewerbe und für Buchgewerbe und Graphik – Bugra 1914
- One million online publications at the German National Library
- 1 million digitised tables of contents in the catalogue of the German National Library - 5 years of catalogue enrichment
- Illustrierte Idylle? Die Gartenlaube: Gesichter eines Massenblattes
- Opening of exhibition: “…mehr vorwärts als rückwärts schauen…” – Das deutschsprachige Exil in Brasilien 1933–1945.
- Presentation of the “Sustainability in the Digital World” initiative publication 25 September 2013, 17:00
- German National Library joins RDA Committee of Principals (CoP)
- 11.5 million free bibliographic data items now available from the German National Library in MARC 21 format
- Informationsverbund Deutschschweiz (IDS) ist neues Mitglied im Standardisierungsausschuss
- hbz assumes chair of Committee for Library Standards
- Reihenweise – folgenreich: aus der Arbeit eines Serien-Täters
- Tag der offenen Tür am 26. Mai 2013
- Vanitas - Death in Books
- „Leipzig liest“ in der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek in Leipzig
Comprehensive catalogue enrichment -
digitisation of all tables of contents of books newly received by the German National Library - Posters on media history
- Öffnungszeiten in Leipzig probeweise weniger stark eingeschränkt
- Neue Öffnungszeiten der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek
- Öffnungszeiten der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek in Frankfurt bis 22 Uhr verlängert
- Lutz Görner – Das [Falten meiner Seele] Festival in Frankfurt
- Tarabas - Joseph Roth und sein erster Exilroman
- Ausstellungsseröffnung: So wurde Ihnen die Flucht zur Heimat. Soma Morgenstern und Joseph Roth. Eine Freundschaft
- Ausstellungseröffnung: „Thomaner forever: Noten aufzeichnen – Klang speichern“
Centenary of the German National Library:
Official ceremony in the founding city of Leipzig on 2 October - Books are the gateway to the world
- Ausstellungsseröffnung: „Fremd bin ich den Menschen dort“
- One million pages - German National Library digitising works with risk of disintegration
- Bilanz nach 100 Tagen – Publikumsmagnet neue Dauerausstellung des Deutschen Buch- und Schriftmuseums der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek
- Listen to the music! Verlosung von Karten zu den Jubiläumskonzerten von Clueso und Xavier Naidoo
- State Minister for Culture Neumann initiates establishment of “Künste im Exil” network by German National Library
Changeover from MAB2 to MARC 21
Most title data free of charge and under CC0 licence from 1 July - Deutsche Nationalbibliothek startet maschinelle Sachgruppenvergabe
- HUNDERT - Jubiläumsmagazin der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek
- 100 Jahre Deutsche Nationalbibliothek Veranstaltungsprogramm und Website zum Jubiläum
- 500.000 Netzpublikationen im Bestand der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek
- Zeichen - Bücher - Netze Von der Keilschrift zum Binärcode
Zeichen – Bücher – Netze
Von der Keilschrift zum Binärcode - "Fremd bin ich den Menschen dort" - Details zur Ausstellung
- Die Schrift und das Buch als Inspirationsquellen der Kreativität und des komplexen Denkens
- Wer hat das Buch?
- Übergangsregeln für die Gemeinsame Normdatei (GND) veröffentlicht
- Deutsche Nationalbibliothek ist Mitglied im JSC
- Deutsche Nationalbibliothek setzt RDA ab Mitte 2013 ein
- Inge Jens: Begegnungen mit Golo Mann
- Golo Mann. Die Geschichte
- Kataloganreicherung ab Juli auch für Reihe B der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie
- Kulturstaatsminister eröffnet Erweiterungsbau der Nationalbibliothek
Projektstart „Erster Weltkrieg in Alltagsdokumenten“
Fotos, Briefe und Erinnerungsstücke gesucht - Neue Lesesäle in der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek in Leipzig
- 1,5 Millionen Seiten digitaler Tageszeitungen in den Lesesälen der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek
Last changes: