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The German National Library in Frankfurt am Main will be closed from 10 to 22 March 2025. The exhibitions of the German Exile Archive will open Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 21:30 and on Saturdays from 10:00 to 17:30.
The car park is open as usual.

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Johannes Neuer has been appointed director of the German National Library in Leipzig

6 December 2022 Joint press release by BKM and German National Library

The Administrative Council of the German National Library has approved the decision of the selection committee to appoint Johannes Neuer as new director of the German National Library in Leipzig. This was preceded by a comprehensive selection process.

Johannes Neuer is currently Librarian Director of the ekz.bibliotheksservice GmbH. Previously, he was an executive member at the New York Public Library. On August 1, 2023, he will succeed Michael Fernau, who will retire after successfully running the German National Library in Leipzig for more than 15 years.

The Minister of State for Culture and the Media (BKM), Claudia Roth, welcomes the decision of the Administrative Council: “This is an important signal of the significance of written cultural heritage in the 21st century, for strengthening a culture of research, development and discovery, and for its transformation. With Johannes Neuer we have found an experienced director in the international field of librarianship. He also has valuable experience from the library-related economy.”

Johannes Neuer thanked the Administrative Council for the trust it placed in him. He is very much looking forward to working with the staff of the German National Library and all partner institutions. “I am excited and grateful to be allowed to take over the leadership of the founding location in Leipzig, and I look forward to participating in shaping the strategic development of the German National Library.”


The German National Library collects, documents and archives all written publications and sound recordings published in Germany, along with foreign publications about Germany or in the German language, since 1913. These are then made available to the public. It also includes all editions of notes and resources of music. It offers a comprehensive range of services at its sites in Leipzig and Frankfurt am Main along with digital services that can be accessed all over the world.

With the German Exile Archive 1933-1945 and the German Museum of Books and Writing, the German National Library also has valuable and rich special collections. It regularly organises readings, exhibitions, presentations and concerts to draw attention to its treasures and promotes a culture of books, reading and music with a diverse programme of events.


Dr Tina Bode

Phone: +49 341 2271-287

Images for editorial use

Chairman of the Administrative Council and Chief Officer of BKM Dr Andreas Görgen, Johannes Neuer and Director General Frank Scholze, Photo: Johanna Baschke

Johannes Neuer, future Director of the German National Library in Leipzig, Photo: Johanna Baschke

Last changes: 06.12.2022

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