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“…from me“ – papan to papan. A life in postcards
Foyer presentation at the German Museum of Books and Writing in Leipzig

12 January to 1 June 2025
Opening: Sunday, 12 January 2025, 11:00 with a matinée

6 January 2025 press release

The German Museum of Books and Writing at the German National Library is delighted to announce that it has received a remarkable gift: in 2024, its collection was enriched by approximately 100 hand-drawn postcards created by Munich-based cartoonist Manfred von Papen, otherwise known as papan. The collection will be presented for the first time at the exhibition “‘... from me’ – papan to papan. A life in postcards”, to be held from 12 January to 1 June 2025. At the launch event on 12 January 2025 at 11:00, papan will be discussing humour and drawing with his Leipzig-based friend and cartoonist colleague Beck.

Manfred von Papen, alias Papan, (b. 1943), is one of Germany's most renowned cartoonists. His sharply drawn observations of everyday life left their mark on the German press landscape (e.g. Stern, ZEIT, Süddeutsche Zeitung) for decades. His cartoons are unmistakable, sometimes tongue-in-cheek, sometimes rife with social criticism. After decades drawing for an audience of millions, Papan has now turned to the person who knows him best: himself and offers fascinating insights into his world of ideas.

A few years ago, papan began writing postcards to himself, "because finding an appealing postcard in your mailbox simply puts you in a better mood than finding advertising for a stair lift or a remedy for age spots.", he explains with a tongue-in-cheek. The result is an impressive number of hilarious, thought-provoking postcards that reflect on various aspects of everyday life. Both sides of these postcards are fascinating: the front features a meticulous drawing, while the back contains texts that are sometimes laconic, sometimes humorous, sometimes melancholy and always unconventional. Addressed to "M." or "Manfred", they record the artist's everyday life and reflect on current events. For viewers, this opens up a unique perspective: a franked diary in postcard form which sheds light on both the big and small things in life with humour, depth and a healthy dose of self-irony.

correspondence. Axel Scheffler’s fantastical letter illustrations”, the museum will be publishing the second book in its series on comics, illustrations etc. as an accompaniment to the current exhibition “...from me”. Lavishly illustrated in colour, the book presents papan’s postcard selection and is available from the museum and from booksellers.

The exhibition and publication featuring papan’s work reflect the strategic orientation of the German Museum of Books and Writing, which is now increasingly focusing its collecting activities on image-based media. As an institution which is equally committed to education and the scientific documentation of media history, it examines the history of the image as a knowledge resource. Whether comics, manga or picture stories, illustrations, infographics or icons – more light is being shed on the image-based knowledge embedded in media history. Examples reflecting this orientation include bequests, estates and collections from illustrators such as Rotraut Susanne Berner, Hans Ticha and Egbert Herfurth, and the comic collection of Armin Abmeier. This strategic focus is supported by the museum’s podcast “AugenRausch. Comics, illustrations etc.”

“…from me“ – papan to papan. A life in postcards
Foyer presentation at the German National Library’s German Museum of Books and Writing in Leipzig
12 January to 1 June 2025
Opening: Sunday, 12 January 2025, 11:00 with a matinée

Further information: DNB - Papan

“…from me“
Publication by the German Museum of Books at the German National Library, ed. by Stephanie Jacobs
ISBN: 978-3-941113-63-3; date of publication: 12. January 2025; price: 16.99 Euro

Other references
Exhibition “A friendship in correspondence. Axel Scheffler’s fantastical letter illustrations“
Podcast „AugenRausch. Comic, illustration and Co.“


The German National Library collects, documents and archives all written publications and sound recordings issued in Germany since 1913 together with works in German and about Germany published worldwide; it then makes them available to the public. It offers a comprehensive range of services at its sites in Leipzig and Frankfurt am Main along with digital services that can be accessed all over the world.

With the German Exile Archive 1933-1945 and the German Museum of Books and Writing, the German National Library also has valuable and rich special collections. It regularly organises readings, exhibitions, presentations and concerts to draw attention to its treasures and promotes a culture of books, reading and music with a diverse programme of events.


Contact person

Dr. Stephanie Jacobs

Phone +49 341 2271-575

Images for editorial use

Press image material is only available in German.

Vorderseite einer Postkarte von und an papan (Manfred von Papen)

Rückseite einer Postkarte von und an papan (Manfred von Papen)

Vorderseite einer Postkarte von und an papan (Manfred von Papen)

Rückseite einer Postkarte von und an papan (Manfred von Papen)

Zeichnung von papan (Manfred von Papen)

Vorderseite einer Postkarte von und an papan (Manfred von Papen)

Rückseite einer Postkarte von und an papan (Manfred von Papen)

Last changes: 06.01.2025

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