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The German National Library in Frankfurt am Main will be closed from 10 to 22 March 2025. The exhibitions of the German Exile Archive will open Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 21:30 and on Saturdays from 10:00 to 17:30.
The car park is open as usual.

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Personnel news

In memoriam

Reinhold Heuvelmann (1964-2024)

Reinhold Heuvelmann was born in Düsseldorf on 14 January 1964. After completing an internship preparing him for a career in the higher civil service in the state of Hesse, he began working in the descriptive cataloguing department of the Deutsche Bibliothek – as it was then known – in Frankfurt am Main on 1 October 1992.
In September 1995, he was assigned to what is now subject area IT.1.1, Basic Services, where he remained. From the very beginning, he focused first and foremost on the documentation, maintenance and further development of machine-based exchange formats for libraries and library networks. He familiarised himself with the previously unfamiliar world of bibliographic data formats at breathtaking speed, as if it was meant for him and had been waiting for him. His development from a technical employee and assistant in the corresponding IT staff unit to an outright expert in the German National Library's metadata exchange formats MAB and MARC 21 was therefore only logical as well as being a great stroke of good fortune – and not just for the DNB. Reinhold Heuvelmann's deep involvement in IT ensured that he always kept his feet firmly on the ground, which – as he said himself – was an important and indispensable requirement for his work. His presentations on a wide variety of metadata topics were noted for their enthusiasm and creativity; he made his point with a surprising choice of images and was able to captivate his listeners even when the topic was actually quite dry. He treated every audience with respect and had the gift of making even complex material easy to understand. He would use impressive LEGO models to explain the different layers of metadata.
Both the German National Library and the national and international working groups and committees he worked with have lost a widely respected and competent colleague together with the expertise he brought to the table. He was the acknowledged MARC 21 expert in the German-speaking countries. However, as the leader of the data format expert group established by the Committee for Library Standards, he was particularly keen to follow and contribute to the further development of exchange formats. He was for example involved in the international BIBFRAME initiative for the development of linked data structures that will replace MARC 21 in the long term. Reinhold Heuvelmann's participation in the American library community's conferences, his involvement with the the American Library Association (ALA) and the fact that he was the only German-speaking member of the MARC Advisory Committee and MARC Steering Group all testify to his high standing in the library world; he saw these roles as both a great honour and a great responsibility. Along with his work at the DNB, he drew the greatest strength and support from his family. Regular rituals such as his annual get-together with his brothers were extremely important to him and helped him replenish his energy.
Reinhold Heuvelmann was a sincere and reliable colleague with a wonderful sense of humour. His systematic, conscientious, careful nature and his ability to delve deep into detail were invaluable assets, particularly in his line of work. He navigated the world of national and international committee work and its at times conflicting interests with remarkable assurance and unflappable aplomb. His self-critical, self-reflective attitude enabled him to keep on working on himself and developing throughout his life. His appreciation of his colleagues will never be forgotten.
Reinhold Heuvelmann will be greatly missed!
Reinhold Heuvelmann's funeral will take place in the funeral hall of the main cemetery in Frankfurt on 11 November 2024 at 12:45.

Last changes: 31.10.2024

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