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News from the German Museum of Books and Writing

View of an illuminated display case in the exhibition of the German Museum of Books and Writing

A family of bookbinders in Germany and Europe – additions to the Röllig estate

The German Museum of Books and Writing has expanded its collections on the social history of the book trade thanks to a generous donation from the collection of memorabilia on the bookbinder family Röllig.

The Röllig family worked as bookbinders in Saxon Switzerland for several generations, during which they amassed a small but impressive collection of books. This collection spans a period of 150 years and provides an insight into the fate of a family of artisans working in the book trade, from the journeymen’s travels through Europe and the development of educated middle-class lifestyles to World War I. The collection is rounded off by 120 other documents that testify, for example, to the training that a bookbinder had to undergo, the advertising used to promote the family business, and the prevailing spirit of the times (e.g. a report on the first railway). These examples give a detailed impression of the path followed by a family of bookbinders through to modern times.

Diary and photographs from the Röllig collection  Photo: DNB, Emma Mamerow / Christine Hartmann

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Diary and photographs from the Röllig collection



  1. Lessons learned at the museum – the digital programme of the German Museum of Books and Writing
  2. Digital access to the St. Elizabeth manuscript
  3. Unique image sources for front-line book shops
  4. KI-Box
  5. Information – a raw material? Data fuelling station at the German Museum of Books and Writing
  6. Books in the third dimension - Museum acquires a collection of kinetic books
  7. KlingKlang – sounds from media history
  8. Book bags – The collection of publisher Mark Lehmstedt
  9. A family of bookbinders in Germany and Europe – additions to the Röllig estate
  10. Pre-mortem legacy from Hans Ticha
  11. Open! Stories from the German Museum of Books and Writing
  12. 75 years on... digitisation project “Digital Historic Book Collection”

Last changes: 22.04.2021

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