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News from the German Museum of Books and Writing

View of an illuminated display case in the exhibition of the German Museum of Books and Writing

Open! Stories from the German Museum of Books and Writing

The collection of the German Museum of Books and Writing is unique in its diversity. Encompassing graphic design by Jan Tschichold, World War posters, newspaper printing materials and the finest book art as well as other items: the series “Open!” engages with a number of exciting topics and objects.

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Aufgeschlagen! – Geschichten aus dem Deutschen Buch- und Schriftmuseum – Kelmscott Press



  1. Lessons learned at the museum – the digital programme of the German Museum of Books and Writing
  2. Digital access to the St. Elizabeth manuscript
  3. Unique image sources for front-line book shops
  4. KI-Box
  5. Information – a raw material? Data fuelling station at the German Museum of Books and Writing
  6. Books in the third dimension - Museum acquires a collection of kinetic books
  7. KlingKlang – sounds from media history
  8. Book bags – The collection of publisher Mark Lehmstedt
  9. A family of bookbinders in Germany and Europe – additions to the Röllig estate
  10. Pre-mortem legacy from Hans Ticha
  11. Open! Stories from the German Museum of Books and Writing
  12. 75 years on... digitisation project “Digital Historic Book Collection”

Last changes: 22.04.2021

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