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Staff assembly on 11 December 2024 in Leipzig

The reading rooms of the German National Library in Leipzig will only open at 13:00 on Wednesday 11 December due to a staff assembly. The exhibitions of the German Museum of Books and Writing will open from 10:00 to 18:00.

DNB Glossary

Have you ever been asking yourself what “Germanica” is? Or what is meant when we talk about “online publications”? With our glossary, we offer you the possibility to look up these and many other terms commonly used at the German National Library. Please note that the terminology collection is under construction and does not claim to be complete.

Are you missing a term? Then feel free to contact us at

Uniform Resource Name (URN)

German: Uniform Resource Name
Abbreviation: URN

In the internet, this is an identifier with which – unlike URLs – online resources can be permanently and uniquely identified and retrieved regardless of where they are stored. The URN of a resource can only exist once in each namespace; the German National Library manages and assigns URNs from the namespace “urn:nbn:de”.

More about Uniform Resource Name (URN) on our website

URN namespace

German: URN-Namensraum
We also say: namespace

In the internet, this is a collection of unique identifiers (Uniform Resource Names, URNs) that show the context in which a resource (e.g. an e-book) is embedded. The German National Library manages and assigns URNs from the namespace “urn:nbn:de”; “nbn” stands for National Bibliography Number and is a namespace specifically intended for national bibliographies and managed cooperatively by the national libraries.

More about URN namespace on our website

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