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DNB Glossary

Have you ever been asking yourself what “Germanica” is? Or what is meant when we talk about “online publications”? With our glossary, we offer you the possibility to look up these and many other terms commonly used at the German National Library. Please note that the terminology collection is under construction and does not claim to be complete.

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Machine-based cataloguing

We also say: automated cataloguing
German: maschinelle Erschließung

The use of methods and algorithms from the areas of computer linguistics and machine learning to provide automated support when cataloguing media works. By machine-based cataloguing, we also mean the use of data analysis and clustering methods that come into play in the automated enrichment of bibliographic metadata.

More about machine-based cataloguing on our website

Mandatory deposit

German: Ablieferungspflicht

See also:


We also say: crosswalk, cross-concordance
German: Mapping

A link established according to semantic or statistical characteristics between subject headings, classification codes, lists of terms, etc., whereby the name “mapping” designates both the procedure and the overall result as well as the individual linked entities. Mapping of vocabularies (of the same or different types, monolingual or multilingual) is primarily used to improve searching in differently organized collections without having to change the cataloguing practice itself. Part of a mapping may also be information on the type of match through hierarchy, equivalence or association relationships, or a relevance rating.

More about mapping on our website
More about cross-concordance on our website
More about crosswalk on our website

Media work (physical and non-physical)

German: Medienwerk (körperliches und unkörperliches)

According to the Law Regarding the German National Library, a media work is a text, image or audio publication made accessible to the public. Physical media works encompass books and all other works printed on paper along with electronic data carriers (e.g. CD-ROM) and other physical carriers (e.g. vinyl records). Non-physical media works include all publications in public networks (e.g. e-books or websites). We also refer to these as online publications.

More about media work on our website

Memory institution

German: Gedächtnisinstitution

A library, museum or archive entrusted with the task of collecting physical and digital works of importance to the shared culture and collective memory of a specific area (e.g. a nation or a region), permanently archiving them, making them accessible to the public and facilitating encounters with them. The German National Library is a memory institution of this kind: with the German Museum of Books and Writing and the German Exile Archive 1933–1945, it is not only Germany’s archival library but also a repository and museum.

More about memory institution on our website


German: Metadaten

Structured information which uniformly describes the attributes and properties of resources such as books, online documents, videos, images or data. Libraries, museums and archives use metadata in many different ways when cataloguing items or importing external data, usually in compliance with metadata standards.

More about metadata on our website

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