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DNB Glossary

Have you ever been asking yourself what “Germanica” is? Or what is meant when we talk about “online publications”? With our glossary, we offer you the possibility to look up these and many other terms commonly used at the German National Library. Please note that the terminology collection is under construction and does not claim to be complete.

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German: E-Journal

Electronic journal that is published either exclusively online or as the digital edition of a printed journal. The collection mandate of the German National Library also includes online publications and, as part of this, also e-journals.

More about E-Journal on our website


German: E-Paper

Electronic edition of a daily or weekly newspaper. The German National Library collects the e-papers of all daily newspapers published in PDF format in Germany.

More about E-Paper on our website

Electronic resource

German: elektronische Ressource

Generic term for machine-readable text, audio, image or film media which are stored on a data carrier or are available through computer networks. A playback and/or display device (e.g. a DVD player with a connected screen) is required when using media works stored on data carriers.

More about electronic resource on our website

Elektronic publication

German: elektronische Publikation

An electronic resource after it has been published. Available either on a physical carrier (e.g. DVD) or in the internet (e.g. as an e-book in PDF format).

More about electronic publication on our website


German: Entität

In the context of bibliographic metadata, a uniquely identifiable information unit, e.g. a place or person in an authority file. Entities with the same properties are grouped in entity types and classes; in the Entity Relationship Model (ERM), they are assigned both attributes and relationships to other entities, thus facilitating data modelling on the basis of semantic links.

More about entity on our website

External data

We also say: third-party data
German: Fremddaten

In libraries, the proportion of bibliographic data that is delivered with the publication or taken from other external sources rather than being created by the library itself. External data is used to assist with and complement a library’s own cataloguing activities.

More about external data on our website

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