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DNB Glossary

Have you ever been asking yourself what “Germanica” is? Or what is meant when we talk about “online publications”? With our glossary, we offer you the possibility to look up these and many other terms commonly used at the German National Library. Please note that the terminology collection is under construction and does not claim to be complete.

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Bitstream preservation

German: Bitstream Preservation

Long-term preservation measures to preserve digital data at the lowest data level, where the sequence of zeros and ones (referred to as bitstream) must remain unaltered, for instance when being stored on a hard-drive. Bitstream preservation includes e.g. copying over the data in time before the data carriers become defective.

More about Bitstream preservation on our website

Boolean operators

German: Boolesche Operatoren

Words such as AND, OR, NOT which are used to link (search) terms by means of a formalised logic. Boolean operators are offered as a search method in internet search engines, websites, databases etc.

More about Boolean operators on our website

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