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The German National Library in Frankfurt am Main will be closed from 10 to 22 March 2025. The exhibitions of the German Exile Archive will open Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 21:30 and on Saturdays from 10:00 to 17:30.
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Estates, archives, collections

Handwritten letters from the Jan Tschichold estate in an open archival folder Photo: Daniela Lang

The pre- and post-mortem estates, archives and collections held by the German Museum of Books and Writing at the German National Library are some of its most valuable assets, as they grant a unique and often very personal insight into the history of books, paper and publishing. The wealth of material ranges from entire business archives, individual correspondence and personal documents to manuscripts and collections of samples.

The Museum also houses the estates of numerous important typographers, book artists and illustrators along with the archives of publishers and other companies.

Gallery of images

The following alphabetical list provides both brief descriptions and direct access to the individual estates and collections in the catalogue of the German National Library.



Elisabeth Altmann 1919–1996 (Fractional legacy)
The estate of bookbinder Elisabeth Altmann contains letters, designs for book bindings, and materials she used while teaching at institutions such as the Academy of Fine Arts in Leipzig.
Scope: 1 archival box
In the catalog

Ausstellungs- und Messe-GmbH (Photo and media archive)
Photo and media archive of Ausstellungs- und Messe-GmbH (AuM), the exhibition and trade fair company of the Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels (German Publishers’ and Booksellers’ Association).
Scope: 15,000 photographs, films and sound recordings. Period: 1950–2008
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Franz Bartsch 1836–1910 (Collection / History of paper)
In the catalog

Carl David Becher 1857–1934 (Collection / Book bindings)
Physician Carl David Becher from Karlsbad collected books in bindings that are of great interest to art historians. His collection consisted of around 400 works. The Deutsche Buchgewerbeverein (German Book Industry Association) acquired this collection in 1911 for the Deutsche Buchgewerbemuseum (German Book Industry Museum). In September 1945, following the relocation of the books during World War II, the Soviet “trophy brigade” transported them to the Russian National Library in Moscow, where they are still housed today. They are listed in a printed catalogue (Moscow 2007). By chance, four objects in Becher's collection remained at the Buchgewerbemuseum.

Axel Bertram 1936–2019 (Premortem legacy / Book art and calligraphy)
Berlin-based commercial artist, typographer and author Axel Bertram was a versatile German graphic designer. His premortem estate contains examples of book design and commercial art dating from the last five decades, including highly characteristic work from the GDR.
Scope: 16 linear metres. Period: 1955–2003.
In the catalog

Arthur Beyerlein (Collection / Publishing history, history of printing, intaglio printing)
3 machines, 1 cupboard containing approx. 1,500 steel engravings, 53 sample books, 9 boxes containing the sample card indexes of art publisher Arthur Beyerlein and the stamping company Stahlstichdruck Ursula Funke covering the period from 1930–1991.
In the catalog

Karl-Heinz Birkner 1919–1995 (Estate / Illustration)
The items in the estate of graphic designer and illustrator Karl-Heinz Birkner include correspondence, illustrated books, and pictures, sketches and drawings relating in particular to his work for the juvenile and sports book publishers of the GDR.
Scope: 16 linear me-tres
In the catalog

Hans Heinrich Bockwitz 1884–1954 (Estate / Book history / history of paper)
In September 1955, the German Museum of Books and Writing took over the written estate of its director Prof. Dr. Hans H. Bockwitz, who died at the end of 1954.
Scope: 1 linear metre
In the catalog

Gustav Adolf Erich Bogeng 1881–1960 (Partial estate / Book history)
Correspondence and documents relating for example to the Maximilian-Gesellschaft (Maximilian Society) and the International Book Trade and Graphics Exhibition, Leipzig–Bugra, 1914.
In the catalog

Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels (German Book Traders’ Association) (Partarchive / Publishing history)
Documents relating to inactive memberships of the Börsenverein dating from between 1955 and 2005.
Scope: 9,626 fascicles. Period: 1955–2005
In the catalog

Adalbert Brauer 1908–1990 (Partial estate / Book history)
Publications, particularly on the genealogy of the German book trade; collections of materials relating in particular to the Leipzig publishers and publishing families Gleditsch & Fritsch, Verlag und Druckerei Pierer, Altenburg, C. A. Starke Verlag, Limburg, Friedrich Christoph Perthes; correspondence (e.g. with Herbert G. Göpfert, Willy Lehmann, Stephan Justus Perthes, Heinrich Reclam, Helmut Rötzsch).
Scope: 10 archival boxes. Period: 1725–1990
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Eva van Breugel 1940–2011 (Collection / History of paper)
This collection of coloured papers, which passed to the Museum in 2011, contains around 1,050 sheets of coloured paper (including approx. 551 works by Eva van Breugel and around 499 by other artists), an extensive work archive (six handwritten work diaries and instruction books with English translations, correspondence, catalogues and similar). Eva van Breugel’s estate is therefore a valuable primary resource for artists, researchers, paper historians and art historians.
In the catalog

Rolf Buscher 1941–2007 (Collection / Paper collection)
Collection of paper samples assembled by Dr. Rolf Buscher (1941–2007) and containing documentary evidence for his dissertation “From watermarks to branded paper: paper marking as an instrument of sales policy during the 20th century”, Trier, univ., diss., 2007.
In the catalog


Deutscher Arbeitskreis für Papiergeschichte (German Working Group for the History of Paper) (Organisation / Archive / History of paper)
Period: 1990–2014

Deutscher Buchgewerbeverein (German Book Industry Association) (Collection / History of paper)
In the catalog

Robert Diedrichs 1923–1995 (Partial estate / Illustration)
The partial estate of illustrator Robert Diedrichs was transferred to the German Museum of Books and Writing in 2013 and largely contains templates of his illustrations.
Scope: 1 linear metre

Directmedia Established: 1995 (Part-archive / Publishing history)
In the catalog

Dora Doss 1903–1989 (History of paper)
Correspondence, paper mill directories, folders on the genealogy of paper-making families, other documents (including watermarks, bibliographies, articles, files, regulations, city views).
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Buchhandlung Elwert & Meurer (book dealer in Berlin) (Archive / History of the book trade)
Advertising materials; materials for readings and literary evenings; documentation of exhibitions and events; correspondence, meeting documents from Kurt Meurer’s voluntary work with various Börsenverein committees.
Scope: 11 linear metres. Period: 1934–1988
In the catalog


Stefan Feyerabend 1932–2018 (Collection / History of paper)
Stefan Feyerabend's watermark collection focuses on machine-made watermarks. It largely consists of original papers, but also contains reproductions. Along with the wordmarks and figurative marks of various manufacturers, paper dealers and users, the collection also encompasses plain paper watermarks.
In the catalog

Gustav Fischer Verlag (Part-archive / Publishing history)
Records of the branch founded in Stuttgart in 1947 and the Piscator Verlag publishing company founded in 1948 together with correspondence; documents relating to the business transacted by the companies of the same name in Jena and Stuttgart and the central organs of the book trade in the GDR; takeover of the Jenaer Verlag by publisher Gustav Fischer, Stuttgart 1991; files of Gustav Fischer New York Inc. (1976–1995); publications on publishing history, publisher directories and catalogues.
Scope: 15 linear metres. Period: 1948–1995
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Gesellschaft der Bibliophilen (Society of Bibliophiles) (Archive / Bibliophilia)
Documents on the society's history, society files, correspondence and leaflets.
Scope: 32 archival boxes. Period: 1897 to the present day
In the catalog

Johann Goldfriedrich 1870–1945 (Partial estate / Book history)
Manuscripts including a compendium on the history of the book trade; inventory of a library specialising in the book trade.
Scope: 3 archival boxes. Period: circa 1913–1928
In the catalog

Heinrich Gonski 1897–1984 (Partial estate / Book history)
Correspondence, minutes and other documents relating to Gonski’s activities for various committees of the Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels (German Publishers’ and Booksellers’ Association); materials on various topics, including BAG Buchhändler-Abrechnungsgesellschaft (clearing company for the book trade) 1950–1959, Buchgemeinde des Buchhandels (book sales club) 1950–1951, Einkaufszentrale für öffentliche Bibliotheken (EKZ – purchasing organisation for public libraries).
Scope: 4 archival boxes. Period: 1950–1962
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Gabriele Grünebaum * 1955 (Collection / History of paper)
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Erich Gruner 1881–1966 (Estate / Book art and calligraphy)
Materials belonging to Leipzig-based painter, graphic designer and book designer Erich Gruner were handed over to the Museum while he was still alive. The estate includes correspondence, drafts of commercial designs, test prints, draft illustrations, drawings, lithographs and etchings.
Scope: 12 linear metres. Period: 1899–1964
In the catalog


Bertold Hack 1925–1994 (Partial estate / Book history)
Publications, documents for the “Bibliographische Arbeitsbericht” (Bibliographic Work Report); collections of materials, e.g. on Hack’s work for the Börsenverein, the history of the railway station book trade, book dealer Emig in Amorbach, Hanns W. Eppelsheimer, Ernst Hauswedell, Georg Heinrich Meyer and Lambert Schneider; correspondence, e.g. with Theo W. Dengler, Annemarie Meiner, Georg Kurt Schauer, Lambert Schneider and Bernhard Wendt; photos.
Scope: 4 archival boxes. Period: 1925–1985
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Bernhard Hartmann 1849–1928 (Partial estate / Book history)
Correspondence, minutes, reports, statistics and other documents, mainly relating to his activity as the chairman of the local book dealers’ association in Elberfeld-Barmen and as a member of the Börsenverein's executive board and other book trade committees.
Scope: 8 archival boxes. Period: 1883–1918
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Wilhelm Henckel 1825–1910 (Partial estate / Book history)
Documents relating to the transfer of the estate and letters from Henckel’s Russian friends, including L. N. Tolstoy.
Scope: 1 archival box. Period: 1875–1928
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Egbert Herfurth *1945 (Pre-mortem legacy / Book design / illustration)
With more than 200 illustrated books, posters and free works, Egbert Herfurth is one of Leipzig’s most well-known illustrators. His pre-mortem legacy, which was handed over in 2016, contains more than 8,000 drawings (drafts, sketches and proofs through to the finished book), posters, bookplates, correspondence and original printing blocks.
Scope: 14 linear metres

Franz Hinze 1919–2013 (Partial estate / Book history)
Collections of materials on the retail book market; press reports on the book trade cooperative “Leistungsgemeinschaft Buchhandel”; documents relating to international book market research; unpublished works by other authors on book market research, the religious book trade and the railway station book trade; materials relating to the “Verband Deutscher Lesezirkel” (Association of German Reading Circles); materials on the railway station book trade; lecture scripts, documents from Hinze's own seminars; materials on the history of the army book trade.
Scope: 45 archival boxes
Period: 1940–1943; 1962–1997
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Peter Hobbing 1842–1931 (Partial estate / Book history)
Book dealership advertisements, brochures, newspaper clippings, reviews, letters, hand-written notes and excerpts from various texts and journals on matters relating to the book trade and its history.
Scope: 1 archival box. Period: 1851–1922
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Julius Hoffmann Lifespan: 1885–1988 (Part-archive / Publishing history)
Publishing contracts, balance sheets.
Scope: 3 archival boxes. Period: 1886–1975
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Buchhandlung Igel-Laden (bookshop in Isny im Allgäu) (Part-archive / History of the book trade)
Documents relating to the activities of proprietors Ingrid and Andreas Schweiz in the fields of literature, cultural policy and the book trade; correspondence with authors, publishers and book dealers.
Scope: 1 linear metre. Period: 1978–1989
In the catalog


Christa Jahr *1941 (Pre-mortem legacy / Illustration)
The pre-mortem legacy of Leipzig-based graphic designer and illustrator Christa Jahr includes templates for illustrations, woodblocks, acrylic and wood engravings.
Scope: 3 linear metres


Sibylle Kaldewey (Antiquarian book shop / Fractional archive)
In the catalog

Albert Kapr 1918–1995 (Estate / Book art and calligraphy)
In 1995, the Museum received the estate of book designer, calligrapher and university lecturer Albert Kapr. It contains specialised books on typography and writing, correspondence, draft typefaces and book designs, commercial art and free artwork.
Scope: 19 linear metres. Period: 1951–1995
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Heinrich Kerler Buchhandlung und Antiquariat (book retailer and antiquarian book dealer) Established: 1877 (Part-archive)
Business documents, company anniversary in 1977, press articles and reviews, printed publications, catalogues, personal documents belonging to Dietrich Heinrich Kerler.
Scope: 4 archival boxes. Period: 1878–1997
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Albrecht Kirchhoff 1827–1902 (Partial estate / Book history)
Records, extracts, letters and other documents.
Scope: 1 archival box. Period: 1876–1897
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Heinrich Klemm 1819–1886 (Collection / Incunabula, old prints)
During the 19th century, the master tailor and publisher Heinrich Klemm assembled a private collection of incunabula and old prints. The most valuable item was a Gutenberg bible printed on parchment. The collection focused on interesting typographical works such as the first material printed by a print workshop or in a specific location. A printed catalogue of the collection was published in 1885. In May 1886, the state of Saxony bought the collection for the Buchgewerbemuseum in Leipzig. Under the name “Königlich–Sächsische Bibliographische Sammlung” (Royal Saxon Bibliographic Collection), it formed the basis of the still-extant Klemm collection. In 1945, valuable parts of the collection were taken to the Russian State Library in Moscow, where they are still kept today. The collection is indexed in a printed catalogue (Moscow, 2011).
In the catalog

Horst Kliemann 1896–1965 (Partial estate / Book history)
Bibliographic material on the history of the family; own publications, collection of 1,631 publisher signets; documents relating to the Horst-Kliemann-Stiftung für Geschichte des Buchwesens (Horst Kliemann Foundation for the History of Book Studies); family correspondence.
Scope: 9 archival boxes. Period: 1917–1976
In the catalog

Margit (*1943) und Hans-Günter (*1941) Kowalski (Collection / History of writing, writing utensils)
The Margit and Hans-Günter Kowalski collection contains around 680 different writing and drawing utensils and accessories, mostly dating from the 19th and 20th centuries.
In the catalog

Paul Kreher 1895–1969 (Fractional legacy / Book art and calligraphy)
The estate of painter, teacher and author Paul Kreher contains original drafts for his books on comb painting, courses in quill and brush calligraphy, brush lettering for display windows and posters, and designs for alphabets and initials.
Scope: 3 archival boxes, one folder. Period: circa 1939–1956
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Adolf Kröner 1836–1911 (Partial estate / Book history)
Documents relating to Adolf Körner’s work as a member of the Börsenverein’s executive committee.
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Paul Gotthelf Kummer 1750–1835 (Book history)
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Karl Robert Langewiesche (Archive / Publishing history)
Materials from all areas of the publishing company's work, correspondence with authors, illustrators, picture agencies, printers, graphic design companies, bookbinders, book dealers, commission agents, sales and advertising documents (sales files, publishing company brochures, reviews).
Scope: 735 archival boxes. Period: 1902–1956
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Hermann Marggraff 1809–1864 (Book history)
Archival materials and letters from various publishers and book dealers addressed to Hermann Marggraff.
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Märkische Buchhandelsgesellschaft (book trading company in Frankfurt/Oder) (History of the book trade)
Documents relating to apprenticeships, vocational training and management training in the book trade; materials on the book trade in the Frankfurt/Oder region in GDR times including business reports from the “Zentrale Leitung des Volksbuchhandels” (central book trade organisation in the GDR), inventory records, book dealer codes, correspondence with various book dealers, plans of action, announcements by the central organisation, correspondence relating to planning proposals, minutes of work conferences, collective agreements for the book trade in Frankfurt/Oder, documents relating to building plans for individual book dealerships in the district, professional competitions, “Tage des freien Buches” (Day of the Free Book).
Scope: 12 archival boxes. Period: 1963–1990
In the catalog

Maximilian-Gesellschaft (Maximilian Society) (Archive / Bibliophilia)
Business correspondence dating from the time of the society’s foundation in 1946, circulars, minutes of committee meetings, members’ directories and book archive; fractional estate of G. A. E. Bogeng.
Scope of business archive: 60 archival boxes. Period: 1911 to the present day
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Dr. Meiner 1895–1985 (Partial estate / Book history)
Documents, manuscripts, typescripts of lectures and publications on book studies and the history of the book trade; materials relating to Dr. Meiner’s teaching and voluntary work with the Börsenverein and the Bayerischer Landesverband; correspondence with persons such as Heinrich F. S. Bachmair, Adalbert Brauer, Hans Brockhaus, Siegfried Buchenau, Curt and Marianne Fleischhack, Martin Giesecke, Paul Heitz, Georg Kurt Schauer.
Scope: 8 archival boxes. Period: 1925–1985
In the catalog

Prof. Dr. Menz 1885–1954 (Partial estate / Book history)
Own publications; correspondence, notes, collections of materials on subjects such as the foreign book trade, book costing, book advertising, warehouse management, statistics, history of the book trade, the wholesale book trade; documents relating to audits of publishers Verlag Th. Knaur Nachf., Berlin, carried out in 1938 and 1941.
Scope: 3 archival boxes. Period: 1920–1944
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MVB Marketing- und Verlagsservice des Buchhandels (Media archive)
Börsenblatt” photo archive. Around 50,000 photographs of persons: authors, publishers, book dealers, other important persons in the business, prominent political and cultural figures; approximately 20,000 photographs of Börsenverein events: book fairs, book (dealer) days, Nobel Prize award ceremonies, meetings with politicians at events held by the office in Bonn and later in Berlin, general meetings, commission and committee meetings; around 600 archival folders containing interior and exterior views of bookshops and publishing companies.
Scope: approx. 70,000 photographs and 600 archival folders. Period: circa 1972–2005
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Wolfgang Oelbermann 1913–1989 (Partial estate / Book history)
Includes comparisons of companies in the retail book trade: materials on the economic situation of Oelbermann’s book dealership, 1950–1965; correspondence and minutes of the executive committee of the Landesverband der Verleger und Buchhändler Rheinland-Pfalz (State Association of Publishers and Book Dealers Rhineland-Palatinate; since 1948, closed between 1976 and 1987); correspondence and minutes of various committees of the Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels (1955–1964); materials from the 1950s and 1960s relating to vocational training in the book trade; photographs from Oelbermann's working life and young book dealer meetings in the 1930s; incomplete manuscripts on the history of the book trade in French occupied territory.
Scope: 6 archival boxes. Period: 1931–1989
In the catalog


Heinz Petersen 1908–1991 (Collection / History of paper)
In 2013, the German Museum of Books and Writing acquired the extensive collection of coloured papers assembled by bookbinder and restorer Heinz Petersen (1908–1991). Along with historic papers, the collection focuses on coloured papers dating from the early 20th century to the 1970s. The collection is supplemented by an array of documentary material such as personal correspondence, journal articles, sample books, photos and catalogues.
In the catalog

Robert Ludwig Prager 1844–1918 (Partial estate / Book history)
Handwritten notes on various philosophical questions, excerpts, private bills, manuscripts dating from 1856–1907 and essays from the Börsenblatt 1901–1912.
Scope: 2 archival boxes. Period: 1856–1918
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Rudolf M. Rohrer Verlag (Archive / Publishing history)
Documents relating to company and family history.
Scope: 3 archival boxes. Period: 1905–1987
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Fritz Rokita 1917-2007 (Collection / History of paper)
The Rokita Watermark Collection was compiled by the Austrian paper maker Fritz Rokita in Imst and was presented to the German Museum of Books and Writing as a gift in 1999. It mainly consists of handmade papers and watermark rubbings. Special emphasis is placed on products manufactured by the paper mills in Wattens, Reutte, Au (near Kempten), Innsbruck-Muhlau, Kottern, Braunau and Lauterach.
In the catalog

Erich Röth Verlag (Partarchive / Publishing history)
Biographical materials on Erich and Dr. Diether Röth; correspondence with individual authors; protective wrappers, brochures, “Börsenblatt” advertisements; reviews; draft bibliography of the publishing company.
Scope: 5 archival boxes. Period: 1928–2006
In the catalog


Buchhandlung Saucke (book dealer in Hamburg) (Archive / History of the book trade)
Documents relating to anniversaries; material on individual persons, e.g. Kurt Saucke, Hellmut and Wolfgang Saucke, Eva Peter; printed materials, photographs, correspondence, newspaper clippings relating to exhibitions and events; advertising materials, printed papers; correspondence with book dealers, publishers, book designers and illustrators; Sirius-Presse Hellmut Saucke: printed materials, correspondence, newspaper clippings.
Scope: 2 linear metres. Period: 1929–1990
In the catalog

Walter Schiller 1920–2008 (Book art and calligraphy)
German book designer and typographer Walter Schiller taught at the Academy of Fine Arts in Leipzig and was the artistic adviser to various publishing companies in the GDR. The estate, which passed to the German Museum of Books and Writing in 2011, contains manuscripts, drafts, certificates and books.
Scope: 17 linear metres

Wolfgang Schlieder 1926–2021 (Premortem legacy / History of paper)
Presentations, manuscripts, work files.
In the catalog

Friedrich Schott 1867–1928 (Partial estate / Book history)
Business documents of book and art dealer J. A. Schlosser'sche Buch- und Kunsthandlung, Augsburg.
Scope: 1 archival box. Period: 1856–1918
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Gerd Schulz 1921–2004 (Partial estate / Book history)
Typescripts of publications and presentations, relevant contracts, correspondence and reviews; collections of material on the history of the book industry in Dortmund and on “humour in the book trade”; photos; correspondence.
Scope: 3 archival boxes. Period: 1950–1987
In the catalog

Ernst Seegers 1840–1911 (Collection)
The German Museum of Books and Writing acquired the Seegers collection in 1901. This is the private collection of dental technician Ernst Seegers from Hanover. Encompassing around 11,500 samples, the collection provides an extensive overview of European coloured paper production between the 17th and 19th centuries, particularly in Germany, France and Italy. It contains all the main varieties of paper made industrially and by hand: brocade, bronze-finished, chintz, paste and marbled papers along with a large number of printed and embossed fantasy papers.

Konrad Simon 1860–1945 (Collection / History of paper)
The coloured paper collection of Berlin mathematics and science professor Dr. Konrad Simon (1860–1945) encompasses around 410 handmade papers dating from between c. 1700 and 1850. The work he undertook between 1912 and 1919 to classify his collection was an early attempt to introduce a system to the world of antique coloured papers. The small-format papers are sorted by manufacturing technique into four files and are supplemented by handwritten notes made by the collector. Konrad Simon’s collection of coloured papers was first published in 1992 and became the property of the German Museum of Books and Writing in 2010.
In the catalog

Berthold Spangenberg 1916–1986 (Partial estate / Book history)
Records of the Verband Schöngeistiger und Wissenschaftlicher Verleger (Association of Publishers of Academic Works and Belles Lettres – VSWV) 1960–1977; correspondence, minutes and other documents from Spangenberg's voluntary work for the Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels; collection of materials on prominent publishers.
Scope: 15 archival boxes. Period: 1951–1986
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Gertraude Spoer 1925–1999 (Estate / History of paper)
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Gerhard Steiner 1905–1995 (Partial estate / History of paper)
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Karl Stratil 1894–1963 (Partial estate / Illustration)
The estate of painter, graphic designer and xylographer Karl Stratil contains drafts, templates for illustrations, sample prints, woodblocks and lead engravings.


Karl Thomson 1924–1990 (Collection / History of paper)
The Thomsen watermark collection is a special collection of watermarked papers, mostly machine-made. It was assembled by paper merchant Karl Thomsen (1924–1990).
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Hans Ticha *1940 (Book art and calligraphy)
The German Museum of Books and Writing is in possession of templates, drafts and proofs of the many book illustrations made by painter, graphic designer and illustrator Hans Ticha together with posters and free artwork.
Scope: 3 linear metres
In the catalog

Walter Tiemann 1876–1951 (Partial estate / Book art and calligraphy)
Book artist, typeface designer, illustrator, painter, author, cofounder of the first German private press “Janus-Presse” (1907–1923), director of the Academy of Fine Arts in Leipzig (1920–1940). This partial estate contains draft typefaces, illustrations, designs for book wrappers and title pages, signets, bookplates and bindings.
Scope: 2 linear metres. Period: 1903–1949
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Ilse Tönnies *1902 (Partial estate / Buchgeschichte)
Contracts and correspondence with the publishing company; plans for the “Europa-Bibliothek” series published by Hoffmann & Campe and edited by Ilse Tönnies; correspondence with individual authors and with foreign publishers relating to translation rights; book publicity documents, reviews; unpublished manuscripts; card index of authors.
Scope: 6 archival boxes. Period: 1936–1950
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Renate Tost *1937 (Book art and calligraphy)
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Jan Tschichold 1902–1974 (Partial estate / Book art and calligraphy)
The extensive estate encompassing the work of Leipzig-born Jan Tschichold, who was well known far beyond Germany's borders as a typographer, book designer and typeface designer, was taken over by the Museum in 2006. It includes typographic drafts and preliminary work for publishers and institutions, commercial graphic designs, draft texts and preliminary work for the books and essays he wrote on typography and book design. In the the context of a DFG research project, large parts of the estate have been digitised. Show more
Scope: 34 linear metres (176 cases and boxes). Period: 1919–1974
In the catalog
The City of Leipzig has installed a memorial plaque in Tschichold’s honour at Schorlemmer Straße 8 – one of the houses he lived in during the 1920s.

More information about the Jan Tschichold estate


Adolf Ulm 1824–1884 (Partial estate / Antiquarian history)
Documents and records relating to academic antiquarian books, particularly the history and development of K. F. Koehler’s antiquarian bookshop.
Scope: 1 archival box. Period: 1853–1890
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Robert Voigtländer 1849–1935 (Book history)
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Wilhelm Vosskamp 1903–1982 (Partial estate / Book history)
Materials on the history of the circulating book trade; records of the Verband der Leihbuchhändler, the Vereinigten Leihbuchhändler-Verbände and the Deutscher Leihbuchhändler-Verband (associations of dealers in circulating books); journals of the circulating book trade.
Scope: 10 archival boxes. Period: 1919–1982
In the catalog


Hans-Joachim Walch 1927–1991 (Partial estate / Book art and calligraphy)
Book designer and illustrator Hans-Joachim Walch was the head of production and artistic director of the Insel-Verlag publishing company in Leipzig. His estate, which was taken over by the Museum in 2009, includes templates for book illustrations, layouts, woodblocks and free graphic designs.
Scope: 1.5 linear metres
In the catalog

Karl Theodor Weiß 1872–1945 (Estate / History of paper)
The estate of paper historian and watermark researcher Karl Theodor Weiss encompasses 86 items including a dictionary of early manual papermaking and records relating to the history of paper.
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Wisso Weiß 1904–1991 (Estate / History of paper)
The estate of paper historian and watermark researcher Wisso Weiss consists of 1,045 items. It includes the preliminary work for a large number of publications, sourcebook excerpts and extensive correspondence.
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Bernhard Wendt 1902–1986 (Partial estate / Book history)
Personal documents; publications; also includes fractional estate left by Berlin-based antiquarian Max Niderlechner (1889–1970).
Scope: 3 archival boxes. Period: 1902–1981
In the catalog

Volker Wendt 1945–2016 (Illustration)
Painter, illustrator and graphic designer Volker Wendt was one of the art staff at the Academy of Fine Arts. His estate includes woodblocks, scratchboards, ink drawings, etchings and posters.
Scope: 14 linear metres. Period: circa 1965–2008

Hans-Peter Willberg 1930–2003 (Book art and calligraphy)
The typographer and book designer was the Professor of Communication Design at Mainz University of Applied Sciences and managing director of Stiftung Buchkunst (the Book Art Foundation). His estate includes correspondence and books designed by himself together with the relevant preliminary work, illustrations and printing blocks.
Scope: 24 linear metres
In the catalog

Gert Wunderlich 1933–2023 (Pre-mortem legacy / Book art and calligraphy)
Gert Wunderlich is one of the most important typographers, typeface designers and book designers in the German-speaking countries. His pre-mortem legacy includes books, posters and draft typefaces designed by himself.
Scope: 8 linear metres


A. Ziemsen Verlag (Partarchive / Publishing history)
Chronology; balance sheets; personal files; correspondence with publishing companies acquired by Ziemsen; publishing contracts.
Scope: 15 folders. Period: 1918–1991
In the catalog

Paul Zimmermann 1920 –2017
German painter; studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Leipzig from 1945–1949. After teaching in Weimar and Leipzig, he worked as a freelance book designer and graphic artist from 1957 on.
In the catalog

Contact: Benjamin Sasse

Last changes: 29.07.2024

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