Karl Thomson 1924–1990 (Collection / History of paper)
The Thomsen watermark collection is a special collection of watermarked papers, mostly machine-made. It was assembled by paper merchant Karl Thomsen (1924–1990).
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Hans Ticha *1940 (Book art and calligraphy)
The German Museum of Books and Writing is in possession of templates, drafts and proofs of the many book illustrations made by painter, graphic designer and illustrator Hans Ticha together with posters and free artwork.
Scope: 3 linear metres
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Walter Tiemann 1876–1951 (Partial estate / Book art and calligraphy)
Book artist, typeface designer, illustrator, painter, author, cofounder of the first German private press “Janus-Presse” (1907–1923), director of the Academy of Fine Arts in Leipzig (1920–1940). This partial estate contains draft typefaces, illustrations, designs for book wrappers and title pages, signets, bookplates and bindings.
Scope: 2 linear metres. Period: 1903–1949
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Ilse Tönnies *1902 (Partial estate / Buchgeschichte)
Contracts and correspondence with the publishing company; plans for the “Europa-Bibliothek” series published by Hoffmann & Campe and edited by Ilse Tönnies; correspondence with individual authors and with foreign publishers relating to translation rights; book publicity documents, reviews; unpublished manuscripts; card index of authors.
Scope: 6 archival boxes. Period: 1936–1950
In the catalog
Renate Tost *1937 (Book art and calligraphy)
In the catalog
Jan Tschichold 1902–1974 (Partial estate / Book art and calligraphy)
The extensive estate encompassing the work of Leipzig-born Jan Tschichold, who was well known far beyond Germany's borders as a typographer, book designer and typeface designer, was taken over by the Museum in 2006. It includes typographic drafts and preliminary work for publishers and institutions, commercial graphic designs, draft texts and preliminary work for the books and essays he wrote on typography and book design. In the the context of a DFG research project, large parts of the estate have been digitised. Show more
Scope: 34 linear metres (176 cases and boxes). Period: 1919–1974
In the catalog
The City of Leipzig has installed a memorial plaque in Tschichold’s honour at Schorlemmer Straße 8 – one of the houses he lived in during the 1920s.