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The German National Library in Frankfurt am Main will be closed from 10 to 22 March 2025. The exhibitions of the German Exile Archive will open Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 21:30 and on Saturdays from 10:00 to 17:30.

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Metadata in the long-term archive

The generation of technical metadata is an indispensable part of any sustainable strategy for the long-term preservation of digital media. Based on a model developed by the National Library of New Zealand, a metadata schema named LMER (Long-Term Preservation Metadata for Electronic Resources) was developed by the German National Library for this purpose in 2004. LMER focuses on a core set of the metadata required for long-term preservation, which is what distinguishes it from the otherwise similar standard PREMIS. Close attention is paid to technical information, for which LMER has a separate integrated container that facilitates the documentation of format-specific attributes.

The project kopal (2004-2007) used LMER to define Universal Object Format (UOF). This package format is a profile of the Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard (METS). It is particularly suitable for integrating information packages into long-term archives that are based on the reference model for an Open Archive Information System (OAIS).

Submission information packages (SIP) are implemented in UOF format in koala, the German National Library’s long-term archive. For purposes of long-term preservation, the media works are analysed and validated in automated workflows using various tools. The results, which take the form of LMER data, are packed in an SIP in accordance with UOF.

Long-Term Preservation Metadata for Electronic Resources (LMER)


LMER, version 1.2, reference description in German

LMER, version 1.2, reference description in English

Sample and data model diagram

LMER sample file, (lmer_bsp.xml)

Representation of data structure

XML schemes

XML schema for LMER 1.2

XML schema for LMERobject (part of LMER 1.2)

XML schema for LMERprocess (part of LMER 1.2)

XML schema for LMERfile (part of LMER 1.2)

XML schema for LMERmodification (part of LMER 1.2)

XML schema for LMER 1.0

Universal Object Format (UOF)


Universal Object Format (UOF), reference description in German, 2006

Universal Object Format (UOF), reference description in English, 2006

METS profile from UOF as XML file

Usage of METS 1.4 as part of the Universal Object Format

Last changes: 22.07.2022

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