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3 to 5 July 2024

Wednesday, 3 July 2024: The old technology reading room is closed due to the construction work.
On 4 and 5 July 2024, use of this reading room and WiFi access may be affected by construction work. The computers in the reading room are not available.

Explanatory videos

To get started, you can watch our explanatory videos on working with DNBLab. We introduce you to DNBLab and show you how to access our data and free objects via interfaces and then analyse them.


We provide online coding tutorials (Jupyter Notebooks) for analysing and working with our open-access items.

How can I access and use Jupyter notebooks?

Instructions 419kB, PDF - Not barrier-free file.

How can I access data through the OAI interface?

Please use the static version to read the tutorials. You must use the interactive version if you wish to actively execute the code in the tutorials and make changes as required (only available in German).

How can I access data through the SRU interface?

Please use the static version to read the tutorials. You must use the interactive version if you wish to actively execute the code in the tutorials and make changes as required (only available in German).

Try a MARC title analysis

Please use the static version to read the tutorials. You must use the interactive version if you wish to actively execute the code in the tutorials and make changes as required (only available in German).

How can digitised tables of contents be accessed and analysed?

Please use the static version to read the tutorials. You must use the interactive version if you wish to actively execute the code in the tutorials and make changes as necessary (only available in German).

How can data be prepared and visualised?

Please use the static version to read the tutorials. You must use the interactive version if you wish to actively execute the code in the tutorials and make changes as required (only available in German).


Here you will find useful overviews and compilations to our data as handouts on various topics (available only in German):

Last changes: 22.02.2024

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