XMetaDissPlus for depositing online publications with the German National Library
Scope of application
XMetaDissPlus (XMDP) is suitable for depositing university dissertations and theses, e-books, periodicals (issues and articles) and research data. The German National Library developed this standard in cooperation with the Library Service Centre Baden-Württemberg (BSZ).
The documentation describes how metadata in ONIX for Books format must be structured if they are to be successfully deposited with the DNB. The document describes one type of publication per chapter. Each chapter is preceded by an overview in tabular form which summarises obligatory and facultative metadata elements. It is also possible to transfer and record additional metadata which go beyond the minimum requirements. All data are reviewed during the test phase required before the publication is deposited.
Metadata Documentation for the format XmetaDissPlus, version 2.0, updated 15.02.2024
(only available in German)
The cross-format metadata core set must also be used. You will find more information here.
Schema version 2.5 and Compatibility
Schema version 2.5 (update 2023) 45kB, zip – Not barrier-free file
All changes in version 2.5 are backward-compatible with version 2.4. If you store the schema files locally, you will also be able to validate your data sets offline.
If you store the schema files locally, you will also be able to validate your data sets offline. Since 21 March 2023, deposits of online publications with the German National Library using XMetaDissPlus schema version 2.5 have been supplemented by the full list of new publication types in version 2.0 (DOI 10.18452/24147.2) of the Gemeinsames Vokabular für Publikations- und Dokumenttypen (Common Vocabulary for Publication and Document Types). All new publication types can be delivered in the first instance of <dc:type> with the attribute xsi:type="dini:PublType", which defines the type of electronic resource.
The use of the old naming conventions/terms (e.g. old “book” new “Book”) is no longer recommended; however, they have been retained in the schemas so that schema changes are backward-compatible with previous versions.
The Gemeinsames Vokabular urgently recommends that the second instance of <dc:type> is delivered with the attribute "dcterms:DCMIType". However, the cardinality in the schema has thus far remained unchanged, also for reasons of backward compatibility.
XMetaDissPlus has been somewhat simplified inasmuch as the terms (as for <dc:type> with the attribute xsi:type="dini:PublType") from the DINI vocabulary can also be used for the element <thesis:level>. Example: <dc:type xsi:type="dini:PublType">Habilitation</dc:type> can be used instead of the old DNB-specific <dc:type xsi:type="dini:PublType">thesis.habilitation</dc:type>.
Supplemental information is independent of the DINI publication types: it is now possible to deliver a product seal, e.g. for e-book packages, in the element content of <dcterms:isPartOf xsi:type="ddb:Produktsigel">.
Further information
- Depositing online publications – an overview: https://www.dnb.de/EN/netzpublikationen
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