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Limited opening hours at the DNB in Leipzig

Please note our limited opening hours on 27 and 28 March during the Leipzig Book Fair.



XMetaDissPlus is a metadata standard used to describe online university publications and other types of publication. The German National Library developed this standard in cooperation with the Library Service Centre Baden-Württemberg (BSZ).

It can be used when depositing university publications, e-books, periodicals (individual articles and issues) and research data.

Schema version 2.5 (update 2023) 41kB, zip - Not barrier-free file.
All changes in version 2.5 are backward-compatible with version 2.4.

Please note: The new documentation is still in progress. Please read the readme.txt file in the ZIP package.

Metadata documentation for the XmetaDissPlus format. Version 1.1. updated 15.06.2022 (available only in German)

Example files XML in XMDP 35kB, zip - Not barrier-free file.

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