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The German National Library in Frankfurt am Main will be closed from 10 to 22 March 2025. The exhibitions of the German Exile Archive will open Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 21:30 and on Saturdays from 10:00 to 17:30.

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What is ZDB about?

The German Union Catalogue of Serials (ZDB) is a national cooperative network system with participating institutions in the German-speaking countries. The ZDB is operated and maintained jointly by Berlin State Library – Prussian Cultural Heritage and the German National Library. Berlin State Library is responsible for data processing and editorial design, while the German National Library is responsible for technical development and operation. Further developments are planned cooperatively.

Cataloguing instrument

In the German-speaking countries, the ZDB serves as a cataloguing instrument for serial publications – both printed and electronic. Along with libraries from Germany and Austria, archives and museums are also involved in the ZDB.

All of these catalogue title data directly in the ZDB. Information on holdings is either entered directly or gets imported from the ZDB update service. The central editorial office (ZRT) in Berlin is responsible for data quality control. The cataloguing instruments provided by the ZDB are WinIBW and the simplified cataloguing tool WebCat.

The German National Library has been participating in the ZDB since 1 March 2007 and enters all new periodicals and serial publications into the ZDB directly.

ZDB-Format (only available in German)

ZDB cataloguing withWebCat (only available in German)

ZDB data subscription

Data hub

The data in the ZDB can be widely used both locally and nationally. Due to the comprehensive information it contains and the trans-regional uniqueness of the identifier used (ZDB ID), the ZDB functions as a data hub for all kinds of serial resources.

  • into which data is integrated (e.g. data from the Electronic Journal Library (EZB) or data from external systems) and
  • from which data is exported to various systems (e.g. the library networks).

Bibliographic database

The ZDB is one of the world’s largest databases of bibliographic information for journals, newspapers, serial publications and other periodicals

  • from all countries,
  • in all languages,
  • with no time restrictions,
  • in printed, electronic or other formats.

The ZDB contains bibliographic information from libraries in Germany and Austria. It also contains license information.

Searches can be carried out in an online, freely accessible catalogue. This offers special visual displays for collection-based research (holdings comparison) and title-specific searches (e.g. predecessors and successors of certain titles).

ZDB catalogue

ZDB project

Visualisation of search results

The information in the German Union Catalogue of Serials (ZDB) can be searched online through the ZDB catalogue, which is modern in design and can be used intuitively. It is available in two languages (German and English) and optimised for mobile terminal devices. Particularly notable are the various visualisation options that make it possible to view search results in context.

Visualisierung im Reiter „Bestandskarte" für den Titel „Jahresbericht der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek

Image / Video 1 / 4

Do you want to find out which library has the journal you are looking for? You can have the ZDB catalogue display a holdings map for each of the titles you require. Every library that has a copy of the item you are looking for is marked on the map with a dot.

Video: The Journal Database – Cooperative Management Instrument for Digitisation (YouTube 2017)

(only available in German)

Services for libraries

The ZDB provides services for regional as well as for trans-regional library networks:

  • Data delivery service
    The data delivery service guarantees that regional networks, local library catalogues and document delivery services are supplied with current data from the ZDB.
  • Data selection and machine-based data updates
  • Interfaces
    ZDB data can be obtained through SRU and OAI. The bibliographic data is also available as linked open data.
  • Full copies.

You will find more detailed information about ZDB services here:

ZDB services (only available in German)

ZDB data subscription

Services provided by EZB and ZDB

The ZDB offers the following services in cooperation with the Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek (Electronic Journal Library – EZB):

  • Joint ZDB and EZB data delivery service
    This service is a convenient way of obtaining holding and license information pertaining to periodicals from both systems through the ZDB.
  • Journal Online & Print (JOP) interface
    The availability of journals in the EZB and ZDB can be ascertained through the interface. This availability information can then be integrated into user portals/research platforms.

JOP service (only available in German)

Joint data delivery service ZDB and EZB


Further information

Last changes: 20.02.2025

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