Our projects
The CORAL project is investigating methods for developing and using large language models (LLMs) subject to legal, technical and qualitative specifications. It is focusing on the transparency of generated texts and the use of protected data for constrained training and retrieval-augmented generation.
Base4NFDI, a joint initiative by all 26 NFDI consortia, lays the foundations required to improve the findability, accessibility, interoperability and reusability of research data.
The NFDI4Memory consortium unites historically oriented humanities disciplines with the goal of assuring the quality of historical research data and thus consolidating the crucial role played by the humanities in complex, rapidly changing societies.
NFDI4Objects covers the material legacy of past human activities across three million years of human and environmental history: artefacts, architecture, archaeological findings, anthropogenically formed landscapes and biological or ecological remains.
The Text+ consortium works on developing a language- and text-based research data infrastructure.
PID Network Deutschland
Its goal is to establish a network of existing and currently developing stakeholders which are interested in the persistent identification of persons, organisations, publications, resources and infrastructures in the field of digital communication in science and culture.
More about PID Network Deutschland
NFDI4Culture is the consortium within the Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur (NFDI) that addresses research data on tangible and intangible cultural assets.
Automatic cataloguing system
The use of innovative methods provided by AI (Artificial Intelligence) for processing and analysing texts and metadata is set to further improve the quality of machine-based subject cataloguing.
More about Automatic cataloguing system
In 2011 the Library of Congress launched the "Bibliographic Framework Initiative" (BIBFRAME), aimed at replacing the existing formats, such as MARC 21 and MODS.The possibilities opened up by Linked Data and Semantic Web technologies were to be taken into account.
GND für Kulturdaten (GND4C)
GND4C is an Integrated Authority File (GND) sub-project funded by the DFG which aims to make the hitherto library-oriented, cross-disciplinary, cross-domain authority data hub accessible to other cultural and scientific institutions.
DDB-Zeitungsportal (Newspaper Portal)
The project “DDB Zeitungsportal” (DDB Newspaper Portal) will encompass the development and implementation of a portal that provides centralised, user-friendly access to digitised historical newspapers from all over Germany. The “Deutsches Zeitungsportal” went online in October 2021.
Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the aim of this project is to establish a data competence centre for the humanities and cultural sciences that will promote further training and continuing education in data competence both in the fields of research and teaching and in libraries, archives and museums.
DiCHOT – Digital Cultural Heritage of Our Time
DiCHOT is a five-year joint research project between the German National Library and the Department of Music Pedagogy at Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg to explore user-generated content (UGC) as a form of contemporary cultural heritage. The project will begin in 2025 and is funded by the Volkswagen Foundation.
Completed projects
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