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Promotion of the Open Resarcher and Contributor ID in Germany

Project description

The ORCID® (Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier) is an identifier used by researchers to help them maintain their own publication lists. Any person who makes a contribution within the scientific process can use their ORCID to create distinct cross-links to their publications, research data and other research process products (e.g. software). The ORCID makes these objects visible and provides a technically stable link between them and their creators.

The international ORCID Consortium currently cross-links over 6 million publishing authors worldwide with their essays and research data via their unique identifier. The "ORCID DE Promotion of the Open Researcher and Contributor ID in Germany" project was set up at the beginning of 2016 to strengthen ORCID in Germany. It will be funded for three years by the German Research Foundation (DFG).

Implementation of ORCID is being considered by many universities and non-university research institutions; the aim of the DFG ORCID DE project is to provide sustained support for this by means of a cross-cutting approach. The main focus is on organisational, technical and legal issues. A further aim is to establish a central co-ordinating office for university and non-university research institutions. Interlocking with the Integrated Authority File (GND), as well as cross-linking and dissemination of the ORCID in open access repositories and publication services within the Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE) are further key aspects of the project.

The main project task being assumed by the German National Library is supporting the cross-linking between ORCID and GND. It is also coordinating the integration of ORCID in standards, guidelines and codes of practice related to the cross-linking of information services within the academic infrastructure.

The project was initiated by the German Initiative for Network Information (DINI).

Project website

Project framework

Funding body

German Research Foundation (DFG)


  • Helmholtz Open Science Coordination Office at the German Research Centre for Geosciences GFZ
  • Bielefeld University Library
  • German National Library


1 May 2016 to 30 November 2019, continuation: 1 January 2020 to 30 November 2022


Sarah Hartmann

Last changes: 08.08.2024

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