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3 to 5 July 2024

Wednesday, 3 July 2024: The old technology reading room is closed due to the construction work.
On 4 and 5 July 2024, use of this reading room and WiFi access may be affected by construction work. The computers in the reading room are not available.

Electronic dissertations plus (eDissPlus)

Project description

The eDissPlus project was carried out by the German National Library in cooperation with the Humboldt University of Berlin and was funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). The objectives of the project were to design and develop a prototype integrated system for archiving and publishing the research data generated or used by doctoral students as part of their dissertation project. Both organisational and technical models were analysed, tested, developed and the resulting prototype implemented. A further objective was to develop consultation and other services to provide practical support for doctoral students in the creation and management of research data.n and develop a prototype integrated system for archiving and publishing the research data generated or used by doctoral students as part of their dissertation project. Both organisational and technical models were analysed, tested, developed and the resulting prototype implemented. A further objective was to develop consultation and other services to provide practical support for doctoral students in the creation and management of research data. The prototypical results from the depositing of research data as material accompanying dissertations with the German National Library still need to be integrated into the Library ’s infrastructure. Only then will the German National Library be able to accept and process these research data.

Project framework

Funding body

German Research Foundation (DFG)


  • Humboldt University in Berlin
  • German National Library


1 June 2016 to 31 December 2018

Further information

As part of the project, the German National Library published various documents including its policy on dissertation-linked research data (only available in German).


Sabine Schrimpf-Blasberg

Last changes: 09.05.2019

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