Metadata from the German Union Catalogue of Serials (ZDB)
General information on the German Union Catalogue of Serials
The German Union Catalogue of Serials (ZDB) is one of the world's largest databases dedicated to journals, newspapers, serials and other periodically issued publications from all countries, in all languages, with no time restrictions and in printed, electronic or other forms.
The ZDB currently contains 2.1 million bibliographic records with 22.7 million holding records dating from 1500 to the present day. These were compiled in cooperation with more than 3,880 German and Austrian libraries.
The Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz and the German National Library are responsible for the maintenance and the further development of the ZDB as equal partners.
An overview of all available metadata as well as the different options of obtaining data is given here.
How to obtain copies
The data offered here is updated regularly and made available free of charge for unrestricted reuse. You can choose between the following access options:
- Full copies are updated twice a year and made available via WWW or SFTP access free of charge
- Newly recorded bibliographic and holdings data of the German Union Catalogue of Serials (ZDB change service) can be accessed weekly via freely accessible download links
- The bibliographic data stock is available in various RDF serialisations through the Linked Data Service
- Full copies can be updated regularly through the OAI interface
- Selecting the ZDB catalogue facilitates the targeted integration of metadata through the SRU interface
- We perform selections according to individual criteria for a fee
Terms of use and provision
Detailed information on terms of use and provision is given here.
Contact (ZDB hotline at Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin)
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