New Release Service
The New Release Service (ND) offered by the German National Library provides information on advance announcements and new publications.
It is based on reports sent by publishers to Verzeichnis Lieferbarer Bücher (VLB – German Books in Print). In accordance with the collection mandate, a selection of these title registrations will be displayed unchanged in the New Release Service. Data from the VLB regarding online publications will no longer be included, as the German National Library requires a simultaneous delivery of metadata alongside the digital object for online publications. Furthermore, incorporating VLB metadata for online publications based on the respective current version would lead to duplication of the data.
The New Release Service is not a part of the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie. Publications reported to VLB are classified by the German National Library according to the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie's Subject Categories, which in turn are based on Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC).
For this purpose a concordance is used. It was created intellectually by the German National Library and automatically translates the product groups provided in the metadata of VLB into Deutsche Nationalbibliografie's Subject Categories. The partnership between the German National Library and Marketing- und Verlagsservice des Buchhandels GmbH helps to ensure the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie is complete and up to date. Furthermore it improves the quality of VLB's metadata as the latter is enriched by authority data of the Integrated Authority File (GND) and DDC Subject Categories from the German National Library's data.
The German National Library offers the New Release Service every week as a free online journal in a PDF file (please note the online journal will be terminated 1 July 2025), in the freely accessible catalogue, through the OAI and SRU interfaces and through the data shop, while a free delivery is provided as part of the metadata service.
An overview of all available metadata as well as the different options of obtaining data is given here.
Example of bibliographic information
Explanation | Example | ||
subject category | geographic area code | <100> | XA-DE-BE |
link to catalogue | New Release service number | | 21,N42 |
agent, who is responsible for creating the work: | Sloterdijk, Peter: | ||
title proper : other titel information / statement of responsibility. - | Den Himmel zum Sprechen bringen : Über Theopoesie / Peter Sloterdijk. - | ||
designation of edition. - publication statement. - | 1. Auflage. - Berlin : Suhrkamp, 2022. - | ||
extent of manifestation ; dimensions. - | 352 Seiten ; 19 cm x 11.8 cm. - | ||
monographic series. - | (suhrkamp taschenbuch ; 5239) . - | ||
link(s) to publisher information. – date of publication | Inhaltstext . - Erscheinungstermin: circa 11.04.2022 | ||
- identifier for manifestation : price | - ISBN 978- 3-518-47239-2 : EUR 16.00 (DE), circa EUR 16.50 (AT), circa CHF 23.50 (freier Preis) | ||
- further identifier | - ISBN 3-518-47239-9 - EAN 9783518472392 . - Erscheint auch als ISBN 9783518429334 . - Erscheint auch als ISBN 9783518764787 |
Information for publishers
You will find extensive information about the DNB’s statutory collection mandate and the mandatory deposit of physical and non-physical media works on the German National Library’s website.
Publishers that register their titles can print the following bibliographic information in the publication:
Bibliografische Information der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek
Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über abrufbar.
Bibliographic information published by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data are available in the Internet at
Information bibliographique de la Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
La Deutsche Nationalbibliothek a répertorié cette publication dans la Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; les données bibliographiques détaillées peuvent être consultées sur Internet à l’adresse
Informazione bibliografica della Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
La Deutsche Nationalbibliothek registra questa pubblicazione nella Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; dettagliati dati bibliografici sono disponibili in internet in
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Библиографическая информация Немецкой Национальной Библиотеки
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Información bibliográfica de la Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
La Deutsche Nationalbibliothek recoge esta publicación en la Deutsche Nationalbibliografie. Los datos bibliográficos están disponibles en la dirección de Internet
Phone +49 69 1525-1630
Further information
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