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The German National Library in Frankfurt am Main will be closed from 10 to 22 March 2025. The exhibitions of the German Exile Archive will open Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 21:30 and on Saturdays from 10:00 to 17:30.

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About DNB Casual

The metadata format “DNB Casual” (oai-dc) is an xml-based Dublin Core format used by the German National Library as an export format for bibliographic data. It encompasses all bibliographic data and is available to interested parties via the OAI and SRU interfaces, the data shop as well as, upon request, via SFTP/WWW server. Along with simple DC elements, the format also contains qualified DC elements such as the “identifiers”. However, the range of elements in each data set is smaller than in the other formats available.

Sample data record in DNB Casual

<dc xmlns:dnb="" xmlns="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:xsi="">
<dc:title>Dialog mit Bibliotheken / Deutsche Nationalbibliothek</dc:title>
<dc:creator>Deutsche Nationalbibliothek</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Deutsche Bibliothek Frankfurt am Main </dc:creator>
<dc:publisher>Frankfurt, M. : Dt. Nationalbibliothek</dc:publisher>
<dc:identifier xmlns:tel="" xsi:type="tel:ISSN">Autorisierte ISSN: 0936-1138 Dialog mit Bibliotheken</dc:identifier>
<dc:identifier xmlns:tel="" xsi:type="tel:ISSN">ISSN der Vorlage: 0936-1138</dc:identifier>
<dc:identifier xsi:type="dnb:IDN">015335631</dc:identifier>
<dc:identifier xsi:type="dnb:ZDBID">1000018-5</dc:identifier>
<dc:subject>020 Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft</dc:subject>
< /dc>

Elements supported

Only the elements from the Dublin Core Element Set listed in the table below are supported.

DC elementDC element name
Element contentComment
dc:title TitleTitelMain title, affixes, parallel title, creator
dc:creatorCreatorUrheberNames of authors, corporate bodies and other persons and bodies involved are specified in authority formElement is repeated if several authors are specified
dc:publisher PublisherVerlagPlace(s) of publication, publisher name(s);
Place(s) of distribution, distributor name(s);
Place(s) of manufacture, manufacturer name(s);
Place(s) of creation, creator name(s)
dc:dateDateZeitangabePublication year or publication dates of serial publications or date of creation
dc:languageLanguageSpracheText language codes as in ISO 639-2




Resource identifier

Element is repeated if several identifiers are specified

dnb:IDNDNB identifier number for data record
tel:ISBNISBN number
tel:ISSNISSN number
dnb:ZDBIDZDB number
dc:subjectSubjectThemaSubject category from the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie and term
(assigned intellectually, from external data or generated automatically)
Element is repeated if several subject categories are specified
dc:rightsRightsRechteInformation on rights / access to the original Element is only used to describe online publications
dc:descriptionDescriptionBeschreibungDissertation note (university, degree, year degree granted) Element is repeated if several dissertation notes are specified
dc:formatFormat FormatScope, number of physical units and file size of online publications
dc:typeTypeTypInformation on specific types of publication
dc:relation RelationBeziehungInformation on relationships with superordinate works, serial publications, journal articles, title concordance and chronological links Element is repeated if several relationships are specified

Terms of use and provision

Detailed information on terms of use and provision is given here.


Last changes: 28.11.2024

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