OAI interface
Updating large data sets
The OAI (Open Archives Initiative) interface can be used for regular updates of large amounts of data. Continuous synchronisation is only possible after the initial import of an up-to-date data dump to a separate database. Access to the OAI interface is free of charge, as is the access to the initial data dump. You will find further information in Dialog mit Bibliotheken, issue 2013,1.
An overview of all available metadata as well as the different options of obtaining data is given here.
OAI (Open Archives Initiative) is an initiative with the task of defining an open interface for the exchange of metadata. Communication in such an interface takes place between the German National Library as the data provider and a service provider that requests the data. The data is collected automatically by a so-called “OAI harvester”. The protocol used for this method of communication is known as OAI-PMH (OAI Protocol for Metadata Harvesting).
OAI interface standard
Protocol: OAI-PMH Version 2.0
OAI PMH Protocol
The OAI PMH protocol is web-based. The OAI harvester works with simple requests using HTTP-GET or -POST and receives an HTTP response from the data provider in return. This response contains the requested metadata embedded in an XML structure.
OAI harvester
In order to use OAI to compare data between the German National Library and a service provider, the service provider must have implemented an OAI harvester. The OAI harvester calls itself repeatedly in a continuous loop. In doing so, it executes a "ListRecords command" (see OAI-Functions) limited to the dataset (catalogue) defined for the service provider. The time of the last retrieval is appended to the “ListRecords command“ using a time stamp. This guarantees that
- no change is missed.
- changes appear in the service provider’s database as soon as possible.
- no data irrelevant to the service provider is transported.
The OAI-PMH protocol includes six basic functions which are appended to the baseURL (e.g. "https://services.dnb.de/oai/repository") using "?verb=":
Identify: Display general information about OAI repository, e.g.
- repositoryName
- baseURL
- protocolVersion
- ListSets: Information about all data sets (catalogues) available in OAI repository
- ListMetadataFormats: List of all data formats (information on available export formats)
- ListRecords: Harvests data records by specifying a data set and optionally a period (from/until)
or ListIdentifiers: Harvest identifiers of data records (PPN/IDN) by entering a data set and optionally the time period (from/until). Times are entered using Universal Time Coordinated, UTC. This is the core function of OAI. It facilitates selective harvesting, i.e. the harvester can restrict its request to data records that
- come from a specific catalogue and
- were generated or modified during a specific period.
- set: the catalogue from which the data records originate
- from/until (optional): points which define the time period for selective harvesting. Depending on the OAI repository, these can be defined to the day (YYYY-MM-DD) or to the second (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ).
- metadataPrefix: The values provided can be requested via the function ListMetadataFormats (see above).
- resumptionToken: facilitates the return of partial responses. The OAI harvester is sent a resumption token which can be used for a new request to obtain the next responses from the OAI repository.
GetRecord: Call of individual data records using the ID. The identification number of the data record concerned must be known for this (MARC 21: 035 $a with prefix DE-101 respectively DE-599).
Parameter:- identifier: Identification number of required data record
- metadataPrefix: Name of the data format in which the data record is to be issued. The selection of values can be requested using the ListMetadataFormats command (see above).
Note: For a targeted search of single data records we recommend our SRU interface.
Access requirements
The OAI interface can be accessed free of charge and without registration.
German National Library catalogues (sets) available through OAI
Selection | Value for “set” parameter |
Deutsche Nationalbibliografie excluding Integrated Authority File (GND) | dnb dnb:wv (only data records for which compilation is complete) |
Deutsche Nationalbibliografie, series A (publications from the publishers’ book trade) | dnb:reiheA (incl. data records which are still undergoing compilation and those for which compilation is complete) dnb:wv:reiheA (only data records for which compilation is complete) |
Deutsche Nationalbibliografie, series B (publications from outside the publishers’ book trade) | dnb:reiheB (incl. data records which are still undergoing compilation and those for which compilation is complete) dnb:wv:reiheB (only data records for which compilation is complete) |
Deutsche Nationalbibliografie, series C (maps) | dnb:reiheC (incl. data records which are still undergoing compilation and those for which compilation is complete) dnb:wv:reiheC (only data records for which compilation is complete) |
Deutsche Nationalbibliografie, series H (university publications) | dnb:reiheH (incl. data records which are still undergoing compilation and those for which compilation is complete) dnb:wv:reiheH (only data records for which compilation is complete) |
Deutsche Nationalbibliografie, series M (printed music) | dnb:reiheM (incl. data records which are still undergoing compilation and those for which compilation is complete) dnb:wv:reiheM (only data records for which compilation is complete) |
Deutsche Nationalbibliografie, series T (recorded music) | dnb:reiheT (incl. data records which are still undergoing compilation and those for which compilation is complete) dnb:wv:reiheT (only data records for which compilation is complete) |
Deutsche Nationalbibliografie, series O (online publications) | dnb:reiheO (incl. data records which are still undergoing compilation and those for which compilation is complete) dnb:wv:reiheO (only data records for which compilation is complete) |
Deutsche Nationalbibliografie, restriction to one subject category | dnb:sg020 (example for library and information sciences) |
Deutsche Nationalbibliografie, series A, restriction to one subject category | dnb:wv:reiheA:sg720 (example for architecture) |
Deutsche Nationalbibliografie: Digitalisierte Inhaltsverzeichnisse | dnb:toc |
Catalogue of the German National Library with New Release Service and online publications (without GND) | dnb-all |
New Release Service (information from publishers on announcements and new releases) | dnb-all:reiheN |
Online publications without restrictions | dnb-all:online |
Restriction to one subject category | dnb-all:online:sg020 (example for library and information sciences) |
Online dissertations (also without autopsy) | dnb-all:online:dissertations |
Restriction to one subject category | dnb-all:online:dissertations:sg720 (example for architecture) |
German Music Archive (DMA, incl. collection of historical sound recordings) | dnb-all:dma |
German Exile Archive 1933–1945 (DEA) | dea |
German Museum of Books and Writing (DBSM) | dbsm |
Selection | Value for “set” parameter |
Integrated Authority File (GND) | authorities |
Integrated Authority File, GND entity Geographical Entity* | authorities:geografikum |
Integrated Authority File, GND entity Congress* | authorities:kongress |
Integrated Authority File, GND entity Corporate Body* | authorities:koerperschaft |
Integrated Authority File, GND entity Person* | authorities:person |
Integrated Authority File, GND entity Subject Term* | authorities:sachbegriff |
Integrated Authority File, GND entity work* | authorities:werk |
Selection | Value for “set” parameter |
German Union Catalogue of Serials (ZDB)** | zdb |
ZDB, holdings | zdb:holdings |
ZDB, restriction to one subject category | zdb:sg010 (example for computer science) |
ZDB, online publications | zdb:online |
ZDB, online publications, holdings | zdb:online:holdings |
ZDB, online publications, restriction to one subject category | zdb:online:sg010 (example for computer science) |
ZDB, free online publications | zdb:online:free |
ZDB, ZDB, free online publications, holdings | zdb:online:free:holdings |
ZDB, free online publications, Restriction to one subject category | zdb:online:free:sg010 (example for computer science) |
ISIL-Directory*** | bib |
* When harvesting individual OAI subsets of the Integrated Authority File (GND) through the OAI interface, the relationships between linked GND data records cannot be traced if the corresponding GND data records belong to another OAI subset (or another GND entity). As usual, the links are contained in the subset with the identifier (MARC 21: fields 5XX $0) and as a text or string of characters (MARC 21: fields 5XX $a); however, the linked data record itself is not included if it is another entity.
**The German Union Catalogue of Serials is a service provided jointly by the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz (Berlin State Library – Prussian Cultural Heritage) and the German National Library.
***The ISIL-Directory is the address file of the German ISIL-Agency at Berlin State Library.
Datasets of free selections of digitized objects are available via the OAI2 interface. You will find more information in the DNBLab.
Detailed information on the formats available is given here.
Terms of use and provision
Detailed information on terms of use and provision is given here.
Practical examples
Syntax of an OAI query
Request to OAI server of the German National Library
Command to server
Parameter “from” defines the beginning of the period requested
Parameter “until” defines the end of the period requested
Format desired for OAI response
Defines the catalogue or set
Syntax of an OAI request with a specific ID number
Syntax of an OAI request for online dissertations in the subject category “Social Sciences, Sociology, Anthropology” from a defined period
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
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