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in Frankfurt am Main!

The German National Library in Frankfurt am Main will be closed from 10 to 22 March 2025. The exhibitions of the German Exile Archive will open Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 21:30 and on Saturdays from 10:00 to 17:30.

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In the preservation and restoration workshop, various measures are performed to preserve objects in the German National Library’s collection. Restorers and specialised bookbinders repair different types of damage to:

  • Books, newspapers and periodicals
  • Bindings and protective covers
  • Posters, prints and maps
  • Archival materials such as photos, letters and manuscripts.

Measures for preserving collections

Every year, we implement a wide variety of preservation measures in compliance with current standards. These include measures for archiving media and preserving object material. The measures prevent loss of substance and are frequently combined with other procedures such as mass deacidification. On average, preservation work is carried out on around 6,000 media works every year.

To the project "Cleaning charts and family trees"

Restoration measures

Trocknen einer ergänzten Fehlstelle mit einem Heizkolben. Die fehlende Stelle des Blattes wurde zuvor mit Japanpapier ergänzt.

We prioritise preservation measures by damage type and type of material so that they can be performed as systematically as possible.

Objects that can only be used to a very limited degree, have been severely damaged or have a special history are sent to the conservation departement.

During conservation, we use procedures such as

  • wet cleaning treatment,
  • leafcasting, and
  • special processes such as ink corrosion treatments.

Quality management

Test-Kit zur Messung der mikrobiellen Kontamination und beprobte Petrischalen Photo: DNB, Stephanie Preuss

We monitor all the preservative measures to which our objects are subjected, regardless of whether the work is carried out by our staff or by external service providers.

In doing so, we assess and document the condition of the objects, consider their original condition and the measure performed when setting quality criteria, and only accept the preservative measures performed if the specified quality criteria are met.

When planning and implementing conservation measures, we attach importance to

  • compliance with the ethical principles of conservation,
  • the sustainability of measures, and
  • economic efficiency.


I would like to have a book restored. Who can I contact?

Unfortunately we cannot accept requests for conservation. You can find a suitable service provider on the website of the conservators’ association.

I would like to find out how much my book/medium is worth.

The value of a book is determined by various factors such as the edition, the book’s condition, and demand for the title. We cannot give you any information about value. You would have to ask an antiquarian book dealer for a valuation.

Can I visit the conservation department?

Guided tours of the preservation department are only possible in the context of special events such as “Open Door Day”. You will find the guided tours and events scheduled for the next few weeks in our events calender.

Further information

Preservation policy (version 1.0, last updated: 1 August 2018)

Last changes: 10.05.2019

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