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in Frankfurt am Main!

The German National Library in Frankfurt am Main will be closed from 10 to 22 March 2025. The exhibitions of the German Exile Archive will open Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 21:30 and on Saturdays from 10:00 to 17:30.
The car park is open as usual.

Find out more

The German National Library provides access to the German translation of the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system in two user-friendly web applications:

  • WebDewey Deutsch: the work environment for classification with DDC
  • WebDewey Search: the free portal for DDC-based literature searches in libraries

WebDewey Deutsch

The classification application WebDewey Deutsch incorporates the full German-language content of the 23rd edition of Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC). Updates in the international English version are translated into German and integrated into the application as an ongoing work process.

WebDewey Deutsch is a licensed product of OCLC.

Components of WebDewey Deutsch

  • Schedules and auxiliary tables
  • Manual for DDC Deutsch
  • Relative Index
  • Subject headings from the Integrated Authority File (GND) as linked vocabulary
  • Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) as linked vocabulary

Functions of WebDewey Deutsch

  • Access to latest versions of DDC through regular updates
  • Access to many pre-built numbers that are only available in the web version
  • Generation of additional built numbers (both institutional and personal) using a wizard WebDewey refers to as number-building engine
  • Generation of institutional and personal notes using the comment function
  • Searches using vocabulary linked from the GND and LCSH
  • Searches using the Relative Index with more than 100,000 entries
  • Option to automatically transfer numbers and their components to a local cataloguing application
  • Detailed searches for updates and notification function for updates to individual number areas
  • Generation of PDF files for a limited selection of number areas

Fees for use

Fees for the use of WebDewey Deutsch apply to institutions and refer to one location in each case.

  • Single workplace license (one access point within the institution): 200.00 Euro p. a.
  • Restricted campus license (2-9 access points within the institution): 400.00 Euro p. a.
  • Unrestricted campus license (unlimited number of access points within the institution): 600.00 Euro p. a.

Are you interested in a WebDewey license, or do you have questions about the Terms of Use?
Our data service staff ( are here to help.

WebDewey Search

Homepage of the online tool Webdewey for classifying with the Dewey decimal classification

WebDewey Search is a freely accessible portal that you can use to search library collections that have been catalogued using Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC). The DDC numbers, which are arranged hierarchically using the decimal system, can be browsed intuitively or searched purposefully with no prior knowledge of DDC.

WebDewey Search is based on the following principle:

  1. Search subject in DDC class (browse or verbal search)
  2. Click on number of results in linked online catalogue
  3. View title hits in the online catalogue

Functions of WebDewey Search

  • Precise search using DDC numbers
  • Precise verbal search in more than 100,000 DDC Relative Index terms
  • Context-based subject browsing using DDC hierarchies in the schedules and auxiliary tables
  • Selection of various library catalogues

Advanced functions and search options

  • The column “Other titles” displays titles catalogued using built numbers that contain the number selected as a component.
  • Auxiliary table area: facilitates browsing parallel to the schedules for the purpose of searching additional subjects or aspects (e.g. geographic areas, literary topics, languages, ethnic and national groups). Word and number searches are also possible.
  • Backslashes for DDC Short Numbers can be displayed or hidden

Catalogues linked with WebDewey Search

  • German National Library (DNB)
  • Common Library Network (GBV)
  • Hessisches Bibliotheksinformationssystem (Hessian Library Information System – HeBIS)
  • Göttingen State and University Library (SUB)
  • Südwestdeutscher Bibliotheksverbund (South West German Library Network –SWB)
  • Freie Universität Berlin (Free University of BerlinFUB)

Open access with Creative Commons license

The part of DDC Deutsch represented in WebDewey Search is freely accessible under Creative Commons license BY-NC-ND 3.0. This means that the German version of the DDC system in WebDewey Search can be used and forwarded for non-commercial purposes. This is conditional on OCLC being named as the rights holder and on the data content not being edited or modified. As a result, numbers and class headings can for example be displayed together in your own (web) applications.

Direct link to WebDewey Search

About WebDewey

Back in 2002, OCLC started making Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) available not just in print but also as a web application, today’s WebDewey. After the 23rd edition, OCLC ceased publishing regular print editions but still offers the English-language version in print-on-demand format. However, the regularly updated content of the DDC is still only available in WebDewey.

As translations of the most recent versions of DDC have become more widespread, both the German National Library and other national libraries have decided to use WebDewey as an instrument for classifying collections using DDC. For example, there is now a French, Italian and Norwegian WebDewey as well as a German one.

The following applies to both WebDewey and WebDewey Search: Each translation can incorporate functions adapted to the work and search requirements of that language. As a result, the scope of these functions is constantly being expanded, a development from which all WebDewey applications can benefit.

Additional information about WebDewey is available on the OCLC website

Further information

Last changes: 22.02.2021

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