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The German National Library in Frankfurt am Main will be closed from 10 to 22 March 2025. The exhibitions of the German Exile Archive will open Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 21:30 and on Saturdays from 10:00 to 17:30.
The car park is open as usual.

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DDC Deutsch – translation

In 2005, the 22nd version of the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system was published in German for the first time. The now 23rd edition of the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system is translated as an ongoing process on the basis of the updates made to the American original. The German version is called DDC Deutsch.

The German National Library provides access to DDC Deutsch through two web applications:

  • WebDewey Deutsch: the work environment for classification with DDC
  • WebDewey Search: the free portal for DDC-based literature searches in libraries

More about Dewey Decimal Classification

More about WebDewey Deutsch and WebDewey Search

Further information

(available only in German)

DDC Deutsch – print edition

The 22nd edition of DDC Deutsch was published by K. G. Saur Verlag (now De Gruyter Saur) in 2005. They also published the DDC 22 textbook.

The regularly updated version of the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system is now only available through the web applications WebDewey Deutsch (for classification) and WebDewey Search (for DDC-based literature searches).

Freely accessible content in the print edition

  • Introduction to Dewey Decimal Classification (pdf)
  • DDC glossary (pdf)

Please note that the introduction and glossary are at present only available for the 22nd edition. We are currently adapting the texts for the 23rd (latest) edition.

The DDC summaries are also freely accessible (version DDC 23). These comprise lists of the classes in the first three hierarchical levels.

To the DDC summaries

DDC Deutsch – data use

In principle, the individual DDC numbers can be used without licenses.

The classification application WebDewey Deutsch incorporates the full content of DDC Deutsch. The use of WebDewey Deutsch is fee-based, and licenses can be obtained from the German National Library.

More about WebDewey Deutsch

The part of DDC Deutsch incorporated into WebDewey Search is freely accessible under license Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 3.0; this means it can be used or forwarded for non-commercial purposes. This is conditional on OCLC being named as the rights holder and on the data content not being edited or modified.

More about WebDewey Search

DDC Deutsch – mapping

National libraries in particular adopt a policy of creating semantic links between their authority files and Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC); these linkages are known as mappings. This has the following advantages:

  • Mappings with DDC numbers open up language-independent search options.
  • Mappings with DDC vocabulary open up enhanced verbal search functions. Subjects can for example be explored using concept relationships or a suggestion-based search function can be integrated.

Mapping GND to DDC

The Integrated Authority File (GND) maintained by the German National Library currently contains around 160,000 mappings to DDC. The majority of these were generated as part of the CrissCross project funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). After the project was concluded, GND-DDC mapping continued as part of the process of creating new authority data records and maintaining authority data.

Recommendation by the European DDC Users Group on mapping to DDC

The European committee European DDC Users Group (EDUG) has issued a best-practice paper for DDC mapping based on the knowledge gained during the CrissCross project and on ISO norm 25964-2, which addresses thesauri and interoperability with other vocabularies.

To the EDUG best practice paper

DDC training

The German National Library offers regular advanced training sessions on using Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC). These cover the principles of classification using DDC and focus on practical exercises. These sessions can take place on our premises or at your institution.

Contact us if you would like to learn about or deepen your knowledge of DDC classification. We will also gladly answer questions about the training we offer.

Dates for upcoming DDC training sessions can be found in our events calendar.

Contact: Dr. Guido Bee

To the calendar

Last changes: 23.02.2021

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