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The German National Library in Frankfurt am Main will be closed from 10 to 22 March 2025. The exhibitions of the German Exile Archive will open Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 21:30 and on Saturdays from 10:00 to 17:30.

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Melodrama, snide humour and parody

Schellackplatte „Eisenbahn - Parodie“ von Rudolf Mälzer; hergestellt von der Deutschen Grammophon Aktiengesellschaft Berlin mit der für sie typischen Fotomontage „Hund guckt in ein Trichtergrammophon“

In the early 20th century, people began to buy phonographs and gramophones for use at home. However, it wasn’t always just music that came pouring out of the trumpet, but also other works from the entertainment industry.

The fin de siècle era during the late 19th century saw theatres founded all across Europe, and a little later the radio came to dominate living rooms – the perfect stage for cabaret and variety. Outstanding performers such as Paul Graetz, Robert Johannes, Otto Reutter and Willy Rosen turned everyday situations, clichés and politics into comedy gold. Recorded on sound carriers these works have now become important historical sources.

The sound carriers themselves are also of historical interest. During the Great Depression, many of these records were melted down, while the popular ones were swapped, sold and listened to time and again. We have now put together some of these records for you in a virtual exhibition – discover the comedy of the early 20th century!

A audible selection of "Melodrama, snide humour and parody"

You will find the complete playlist on YouTube.

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Hans Blädel (1871–1937): Auf de schwäbische Eisebahne (On the Swabian Railway)

In the catalogue of the German National Library:

Last changes: 24.06.2019

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