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The German National Library in Frankfurt am Main will be closed from 10 to 22 March 2025. The exhibitions of the German Exile Archive will open Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 21:30 and on Saturdays from 10:00 to 17:30.

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Look back on professional events


Cataloguing, research, analysis: (EFA24@DNB)

14 November 2024

A virtual day for information and workshops on our metadata and free collections of digital objects.

Are you interested in the metadata and free collections of digital objects available at the German National Library? Do you want to use our data to catalogue your collection? Are you interested in data analysis? Do you want to know how to access and analyse our data? Or are you new to this field and keen to learn more?

“Cataloguing, research, analysis: a virtual day for information on our metadata and free collections of digital objects” (EFA25@DNB) will take place in autumn 2025.

If so, we invite you to find out about our metadata and free collections of digital objects and let us show you the variety of ways in which they can be used, analysed and visualised.

More (only available in German)

8. workshop on “Computer-supported subject cataloguing“

13 to 14 November 2024

Jointly organised by the German National Library, the Austrian Library Network, the Stuttgart University Library, the Berlin State Library – Prussian Cultural Heritage, the Library Service Centre Baden-Württemberg and the Eurospider Information Technology AG, the workshop on the perspectives of computer-supported subject cataloguing took place for the eighth time in a row. As in previous years, the event was divided into a series of individual presentations followed by an in-depth discussion of current issues and the use of the Digital Assistant (DA-3).

More (only available in German)

Sustainable archiving of social media data – Twitter and beyond

19 to 20 March 2024

Archiving, cataloguing and providing dynamic data from social media present challenges which affect researchers, research institutions, libraries and archives in equal measure, and the best way to solve these problems is through collaboration and partnership. This requires wide-ranging efforts which would be impossible for a single data community or discipline.

The aim of the conference was to facilitate networking between libraries, archives, research institutes and researchers in German-speaking countries who are involved in archiving and long-term use of data and digital objects from social media.

More (only available in German)


Ai in Libraries: New pathways with large language models??

7 to 8 December 2023

On 7 and 8 December 2023, the German National Library organised the symposium "AI in Libraries: new pathways with large language models?" at its location in Frankfurt am Main.
The event will focused on the latest developments in the field of generative AI, large language models and their significance for libraries.

More (only available in German)

7. workshop on “Computer-supported subject cataloguing“

14 to 15 November 2023

The seventh workshop, "Computer-supported subject cataloguing" took place online on 14 and 15 November 2023.
The event focused primarily on the automation of subject cataloguing from the user's perspective.

More (only available in German)

Cataloguing, research, analysis: (EFA23@DNB)

7 November 2023

A virtual day for information on our metadata and free collections of digital objects.

Are you interested in the metadata and free collections of digital objects available at the German National Library? Do you want to use our data to catalogue your collection? Are you interested in data analysis? Do you want to know how to access and analyse our data? Or are you new to this field and keen to learn more?

“Cataloguing, research, analysis: a virtual day for information on our metadata and free collections of digital objects” (EFA24@DNB) will take place in autumn 2024.

If so, we invite you to find out about our metadata and free collections of digital objects and let us show you the variety of ways in which they can be used, analysed and visualised.


RNAB and digital Resources – Kick-Off Workshop

28 September 2023

The RNAB editorial team and the German National Library's Office for Library Standards (AfS) invited interested professionals in the community to attend a kick-off workshop with the goal of ascertaining the needs of cultural archives and determining the RNAB adaptations necessary for cataloguing digital resources.


Introduction to DDC classification

18 April 2023

The "Introduction to Dewey Decimal Classification" took place in Leipzig on 18 April 2023. Participants learnt the principles of DDC classification by doing practical exercises.



6. workshop on „Computer-supported subject cataloguing“

16 to 17 November 2022

The workshop focused on assistance systems and machine-based processes used to support subject cataloguing activities as well as interchange between users of Digital Assistant DA-3.

More (only available in German)

GND Forum on Architecture – dialogue on data on architecture, monuments and standardisation

14 November 2022

How is authority data generated? How can it be used, and how is it used? What purposes does it fulfil, and what functions does it perform in the network of data on architecture and monuments?
The kick-off event launching the GND Forum on Architecture opened up a space for discussion in a broad, diverse community which generates data on architecture and monuments, works with it, and uses it for research and publication purposes.

More (only available in German) (only available in German)


12 October 2022

On 12 October 2022, the German Music Archive at the German National Library held an online workshop. Here we discussed DDEX, other music meta-data formats and the planned delivery of digital music publications.


GND Archive Forum. Authority data in archival cataloguing – creating archival networks

5 October 2022

Digital transformation and rising data volumes have created a growing need for institutions to link their own data with other bodies of knowledge and visualise the connections between them. Authority data has a central role to play in this virtual networking process. The Forum was intended for staff and representatives of all kinds of archives who use the authority data of the GND for cataloguing and assigning subject headings, who are already familiar with the GND, and who wanted to find out more about the options available for using and becoming involved with it.

More (only available in German) (only available in German)

Keeping it going – the pandemic as a driver of digital transformation? 23rd DINI annual conference and the ZKI Autumn Conference

27 to 28 September 2022

On 27 and 28 September 2022, the joint DINI and ZKI conference was held at the German National Library in Frankfurt am Main.


Cataloguing, research, analysis: (EFA22@DNB)

8 September 2022

A virtual day for information on our metadata and free collections of digital objects.

Are you interested in the metadata and free collections of digital objects available at the German National Library? Do you want to use our data to catalogue your collection? Are you interested in data analysis? Do you want to know how to access and analyse our data? Or are you new to this field and keen to learn more?

Looking back on EFA22 @DNB

“Corpora in Text+: Get to know and use sustainably”
Scientific dialogue within the framework of the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI)

13 July 2022

The objective of the NFDI consortium Text+ is to preserve text-and language-based research data for the long term and facilitate its use in the field of science. The German National Library’s role is to coordinate the data domain “Collections”, which encompasses collections of written, spoken or signed language and text as well as language and text-related experimental or measurement data. On 13 July 2022, the German National Library invited researchers to discuss the Text+ portfolio and its preparation and presentation for scientific use.

More (only available in German)

KOOP-LITERA Deutschland 2022
9th symposium of German literary archives and related institutions

22 to 24 June 2022

The annual conference 2022 of “KOOP-LITERA Germany” took place from 22 to 24 June 2022 at the German Exile Archive 1933-1945 at the German National Library in Frankfurt am Main.
The 9th symposium of German literary archives and related institutions focused on the topics of digitisation and cooperative virtual projects. It also included presentations by the Frankfurt-based institutions involved.


Event data?! Kick-off for the Performing Arts Forum in the Integrated Authority File (GND)

28 January 2022

Authority data facilitates networking and increases online visibility. But how can it do this for the performing arts? This topic, amongst others, was addressed during the all-day digital event that opened the forum “Performing Arts in the GND”.

More (only available in German)


Symposium “Machine-based cataloguing processes”

18 to 19 November 2021

This year’s event was examine which Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies have the potential to prove useful in the preparation, processing and analysis of natural-language texts in order to record their content, and which strategies show promise in terms of producing high-quality results.

More (only available in German)

5. workshop on “Computer-supported subject cataloguing“ 2021

10 to 11 November 2021

The workshop allows participants to share information and experiences relating to current developments and applications for these cataloguing tools. This year, the focus was on determining the site for content cataloguing in the DACH region and on potential future scenarios.

More (only available in German)

Shaping Access 2021

4 to 5 November 2021

The central theme of the conference “Shaping Access!” was the “difficult heritage” in libraries, archives, museums and also in the streets and public spaces.
How should we handle this heritage? Should it be made accessible to all or hidden away in “poison cabinets”? How can, may or must such documents be contextualised? How are such testimonies treated in other countries?

More (only available in German)

GNDCon 2.0

7 to 11 June 2021

Between 7 and 11 June 2021, the German National Library organised GNDCon 2.0 in cooperation with the GND cooperative, stakeholders of the GND4C project and other partners. It invited attendees to find out about current developments and outcomes in a wide variety of areas relating to the opening of the GND. More than 800 visitors from libraries, research facilities, museums, archives and other institutions took part in GNDCon 2.0.

More (only available in German)

Archive 2020 - 2018


Last changes: 20.12.2023

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