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Frankfurt am Main
28 October to 9 November 2024

Due to construction work, the German National Library in Frankfurt am Main will be closed from 28 October to 9 November 2024. The exhibition "Frag nach- Just ask" is open.

Conference on preserving digital cultural heritage

Conference from 28 to 29 November 2018

To mark the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018, the German National Library organised a two-day conference on preserving digital cultural heritage, which took place on 28 and 29 November 2018 in Frankfurt am Main.

This conference was also a contribution by the German National Library to World Digital Preservation Day on 29 November 2018, an annual event that was established by the British Digital Preservation Coalition in 2017. 2018, the second World Digital Preservation Day was marked by events on digital preservation taking place in numerous countries. Since 2006, the legal collection mandate of the German National Library has expressly included the collection, indexing, archiving and facilitation of access to non-physical media, referred to as "online publications". The German National Library and other memory institutions are thus contributing to the nurture and survival of the national digital heritage.

The conference encompassed 4 sessions on the following subjects:

  • Software sustainability
  • Long-term archiving of interactive content
  • Preserving the Web as cultural heritage
  • The communities’ activities (in Europe)

National and international experts represented the topic of digital preservation at a wide range of scientific and cultural institutions have been invited to speak. The conference languages were German and English.


Follow the conference on Twitter under #DigitaleKulturBewahren

Lectures and presentations

Session 1: Bewahrung des Webs als kulturelles Erbe/Preserving the Web as Cultural Heritage

Peter Webster, Webster Research and Consulting: Meaning and value of web archives for researchers
Helge Holzmann, L3S Research Center Hannover und Internet Archive: ALEXANDRIA – Technologies and Tools for Working with Web Archives
Markus Eckl & Prof. Dr. Malte Rehbein, Universität Passau: Methoden der Digital Humanities in Anwendung für den Aufbau und die Nutzung von Webarchiven

Session 2: Aktivitäten der Communities

Klaus Kempf, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek: Digitale Langzeitarchivierung in Bibliotheken
Prof. Dr. Christian Keitel, Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg: Digitale Erhaltung in Archiven
Prof. Dr. Oliver Grau, Donau-Universität Krems und Archive of Digital Art: Documenting, Archiving and Collecting Digital Art: A concerted Strategy for Museums, Archives & Libraries

Session 3: Nachhaltigkeit von Software/Software Sustainability

Stefano Zacchiroli, Software Heritage: Our software heritage: goal and enabler for digital preservation
Dr. Jens-Martin Loebel, Universität Bayreuth: Technische und praktischen Aspekte der Emulation
Dirk von Suchodoletz, Universität Freiburg: Zugriff auf Daten von obsoleten Datenträgern

Session 4: Langzeitarchivierung von interaktiven Inhalten/Preserving interactive content

Tobias Steinke, Deutsche Nationalbibliothek: Projekt EMiL – Emulation im Lesesaal
Andreas Lange, Präsident EFGAMP e.V. (European Federation of Games Archives, Museums and Preservation Projects)
Natasa Milic-Frayling, Nottingham University, Chair of the PERSIST Technology and Research WG: Software Sustainability and Preservation

Further information

In cooperation with nestor – Competence Network for Digital Preservationd

Europäisches Kulturerbejahr

World Digital Preservation Day

Follow World Digital Preservation Day on Twitter under: #WDPD2018

Last changes: 03.02.2021

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