DNBLab - Introduction Jupyter Notebooks
begin 15.03.2024, 10:00
end 15.03.2024, 12:00
location Virtual
The German National Library’s DNBLab is a central portal where all users interested in text and data mining can access its data and free digital resources. In this introductory event, we present the DNBLab services as they currently stand (prepared data sets, interfaces and metadata formats)and give you an introduction to automated queries by working through a practical example together, and explain different ways of analysing the German National Library's digital collection. A basic knowledge of the programming languages Python and Jupyter Notebooks is not essential but would be helpful.
Information and contact
Venue: virtual via Zoom
Registration: https://eu02web.zoom-x.de/meeting/register/u5IodOypqjwuH9K2koCCN0wewag_AqyGFgO1
Pre-registration is desired. The number of participants is limited to 100 people.
Costs: free admission
Duration: approx. 2 hour
Contact: lab@dnb.de
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