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The German National Library in Frankfurt am Main will be closed from 10 to 22 March 2025. The exhibitions of the German Exile Archive will open Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 21:30 and on Saturdays from 10:00 to 17:30.
The car park is open as usual.

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RNAB and digital resources - Kick-off workshop

Professional event

Various digital storage media, including cassettes, magnetic tapes and diskettes, shown lying on a table Photo: Martin Wedl vom Literaturarchiv der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek

begin 28.09.2023, 13:00

end 28.09.2023, 16:00

location Virtual

Since the 1990s, it has become increasingly common to produce texts, written communications, photographs and sound recordings in digital format and to store them digitally in personal, family and corporate archives.

The RNAB editorial team and the German National Library's Office for Library Standards (AfS) invited interested professionals in the community to attend a kick-off workshop with the goal of ascertaining the needs of cultural archives and determining the RNAB adaptations necessary for cataloguing digital resources.
For organisational reasons, the number of participants was limited to 100. The workshop was therefore intended first and foremost for people who engage with the topic of digital resources in collections and/or have already gained expertise in this area.

In 1997, the “Rules on Cataloguing Estates and Autographs” (RNA) – based on the RAK-WB – became the standard customarily used to catalogue collections of private origin in the German-speaking countries

In 2014, KOOP-LITERA decided to completely revise the RNAB on the basis of the RDA.

In 2019, the Committee for Library Standards approved the new “Resource Cataloguing with Authority Data in Archives and Libraries” (RNAB) cataloguing standard for personal, family and corporate archives and collections.

Information and contact

Venue: virtual

Costs: Free admission

Duratiuon: 3 hours

Booking: Registration at


Last changes: 05.04.2023

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