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Translating Europe
About the speakers

Poster of the conference Translating Europe - Translation in times of Digital Revolution

Boris Buden is a writer, cultural critic, and translator. He studied philosophy in Zagreb and received his PhD in Cultural Theory from Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. His essays and articles cover topics related to philosophy, politics, and cultural and art criticism. Among his translations into Croatian are some of the most important works of Sigmund Freud. Buden is amongst others author of Der Schacht von Babel: Ist Kultur übersetzbar? (2004) and Übersetzung: Das Versprechen eines Begriffs (2008, with Stefan Nowotny).

Christos Ellinides has been Deputy Director-General of the Directorate-General for Translation at the European Commission since 2014. The Directorate-General translates texts for the European Commission into and out of the EU's 24 official languages. Born in Cyprus, the engineer holds, amongst others, a M.Sc. in Systems Analysis and Design of The City University London (UK).

Josef van Genabith is one of the Scientific Directors of DFKI, the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, and a Professor at Saarland University, Germany. At DFKI he heads the Multilinguality and Language Technology (MLT) Lab. At the University he holds the Chair of Translation-oriented Language Technologies. His first degree is in Electronic Engineering and English, RWTH Aachen (Germany). He obtained a PhD at the University of Essex (U.K.) and worked as a researcher at the University of Stuttgart (Germany). From 1997-2014 he was in the School of Computing at Dublin City University (Ireland), where he was the Director of the National Center for Language Technology (NCLT) and founding Director of the CNGL (now ADAPT).

Journalist and moderator Shelly Kupferberg Kupferberg was born in Tel-Aviv and grew up in West Berlin. She studied public relations, theatre and music at the Free University of Berlin, and began working as a journalist for public radio concurrently with her studies. For over 20 years, she has been moderating cultural, literary and social magazines and working as an editor and moderator for Deutschlandfunk Kultur and rbbKultur.

Loredana Polezzi is President of the International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies. In 2020, she has taken up the post of Alfonse M. D’Amato Chair in Italian American and Italian Studies in the Department of European Languages, Literatures and Cultures at Stony Brook University, USA. Her main research interests focus on how geographical and social mobilities are connected to the theories and practices of translation. Amongst others, she is the author of Translating Travel: Contemporary Italian Travel Writing in English Translation (2001) and guest-edited a special issue of The Translator devoted to Translation, Travel, Migration (Autumn 2006).

Cultural sociologist and historian Gisèle Sapiro is Research Director at Centre national de la recherche scientifique in Paris and an expert in the literature of France between 19th and 21st century. Her research focuses, amongst others, on the sociology of translation, of international cultural exchange and globalisation. She is a member of Academia Europaea and has been a Fellow at Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin from 2018 to 2019.

The linguist and translation scholar Silvia Hansen-Schirra is a university professor at the Division of English Linguistics and Translation Studies of Johannes Gutenberg University in Germersheim. She was among the first researchers to combine corpus-based analyses with cognitive experiments. For empirical studies of translation processes and text comprehension, she established an eye tracking lab in Germersheim and is planning to intensify the linkage of translation research with computer- and psycholinguistics in order to gain further knowledge on the cognitive foundations of translation.

*All photos are protected by copyright.

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