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3 to 5 July 2024

Wednesday, 3 July 2024: The old technology reading room is closed due to the construction work.
On 4 and 5 July 2024, use of this reading room and WiFi access may be affected by construction work. The computers in the reading room are not available.

Rethinking Culture and science

Edited historical map of Europe

Recording of the session "Developments"

Keynote: Digital developments in cultural institutions and science

Prof. Dr. Sören Auer, TIB Hannover

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Video with German subtitles

Examples for digital developments in cultural institutions and science

Example: Artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence and digitized natural history collections

Dr. Andreas Weber, University of Twente

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Video with German subtitles

Example: Virtual Reality
Digital developments in cultural institutions and science – the Virtual Reality example

Maïté Labat, Musée du Louvre,

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Video with German subtitles

Example: Crowdsourcing
Digital developments in cultural institutions and science – the crowdsourcing example

Maria Ralli, National Technical University of Athens

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Video with German subtitles

Example – web archiving
Digital developments in cultural institutions and science – the web archiving example

Niels Brügger, Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur, Danmark

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Video with German subtitles

Empowering digital change- the role of Europeana in Digital Transformation“

Harry Verwayen, Europeana Foundation

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Video with German subtitles

Last changes: 03.11.2020

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