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Rethinking Culture and science
Opportunities and challenges

Edited historical map of Europe

Recording of the session "Opportunities and challenges"

Keynote: Opportunities of the digitization for culture and science

Minna Karvonen, Ministry of Education and Culture

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Video with German subtitles

The role of copyright in the digital transformation of the cultural heritage sector

Julia Fallon, Europeana Foundation

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Video with German subtitles

Opportunities & challenges from the perspectives of various sectors

Interaction between culture and science from a library‘s perspective

Frank Scholze, German National Library

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Video with German subtitles

Interaction between culture and science from a museum perspective

Sofie Taes, KU Leuven

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Video with German subtitles

Interaction between culture and science from an archive‘s perspective

Dr. Bojan Cvelfar, Archives of the Republic of Slovenia

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Video with German subtitles

Interaction between culture and science from a science perspective

Prof. Dr. Fotis Jannidis, Lehrstuhl für Computerphilologie und Neuere Deutsche Literaturgeschichte

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Video with German subtitles

Last changes: 04.11.2020

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