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Limited opening hours at the DNB in Leipzig

Please note our limited opening hours on 27 and 28 March during the Leipzig Book Fair.


User surveys and research

Questionnaires for the survey on using the German National Library 2020

DNB on the Road

In April 2023, the German National Library went on the road to introduce new target groups to its open access online collections. Two events continued the cooperation with Mehrgenerationenhaus Fallbach (MGH) which began in 2022, and we visited the MGH site in Hanau for the first time. In our luggage: Our open access online holdings and useful information about our collection.

Amongst other things participants joined us as we followed in the musical footsteps of the Brothers Grimm. Songs and fairy tales compiled by the MGH will be accompanied by a range of items selected by the German National Library from its collection to illustrate both the thematic contexts and its task as the memory of the nation. The second event focused on international dialogue on the culinary arts, table manners, and the idea that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.

The German National Library’s licence-free media is one of the event concept’s areas of focus. These works can be explored without a library card and offer a lucid insight into our collection. In the spirit of the UN’s 2030 Agenda and the recommendations for action set out in the Citizen Science Strategy 2030, this format is intended specifically for new library users and non-users.

More (only available in German)

We at the German National Library regularly conduct surveys and ask for feedback in order to find out how satisfied our users are. We then use the results to develop our offers and services further.

Here is an overview of our latest results.

Results of the survey on the use of the German National Library

User survey shows that satisfaction with the German National Library is still high

A library is a place for people. This means that our users should feel just as much at home as our books and other media. Is this really the case though? Are we doing our best to help our users achieve the goals they set when they visit the DNB? Where could we do even better? We ask ourselves these questions every day. In November and December 2020, we also asked our users for their opinion. 1,278 people completed our second major user survey – following on from the first one in 2016 – and we would like to thank them for their participation. 682 of them used our location in Frankfurt am Main, 444 visited us in Leipzig, and 150 mostly used our online services (2 of them provided no information). Although the survey was influenced by the current user conditions resulting from the coronavirus pandemic, it still delivers interesting insights. These are the most important:

Most users are satisfied with the way we have handled the coronavirus pandemic. 70 percent were very satisfied or quite satisfied, 25 percent not very satisfied or not at all satisfied. Most of the criticism was levelled at our booking system and the limited space available. Also mentioned were the time it took to deliver the media ordered and the obligation to wear face masks at the workstations. Furthermore, the majority of visitors missed the relaxed atmosphere during their visits. We hope we will soon be able to offer you all of this again!

Due to the coronavirus situation the use of all the services at both locations has declined. Library visits are therefore highly focused at present. The copiers and reference library, for example, are losing their importance. In contrast, there is a greater demand for electronic media. However, users are clearly more satisfied with the copiers than they were in 2016. In this respect our modernisation measures have paid off. Users are noticing greater deficiencies with regard to the lockers and the speed at which the media ordered are made available – probably due to the hygiene measures required as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. The locker situation is particularly problematic in Leipzig, where we are already in the process of planning a new locker facility.

Because of the current space restrictions, users rated the availability of workstations much lower than in 2016. The comfort of the chairs – particularly in Frankfurt am Main – still leaves a lot to be desired. Seat tests are currently being organised in which user participation will be required. In all other respects, however, the respondents find that there is a pleasant working atmosphere. With regard to new facilities, most participants would like to see partitioned single workstations at both locations. Compared to 2016, corners to sprawl and relax have become much less important (probably due to the coronavirus pandemic).

Incidentally, even though we at the DNB are pressing ahead with the digitisation of our media, the vast majority of users still prefer to read books and magazines in print format. However, a slight trend towards digital publications can be observed. This is particularly evident in the case of newspapers and magazines, less so with books.

Despite deficiencies in individual areas, the users’ overall rating of the German National Library is good. All in all, 72 percent are quite satisfied; 20 percent even stated that they were very satisfied. The DNB’s service staff were also rated good to very good right across the board. They were particularly praised for their friendliness and competence. We are still working on the solution orientation of our advisory services and on our handling of complaints.

For the most part, our users also have a positive image of the German National Library and its holdings. They believe that the DNB is absolutely vital and greatly appreciate its pleasant impression and its extensive, unique, well-maintained collections. A few points were lost with regard to the modernity and public profile of the DNB and the easy access to and high availability of its holdings.

It goes without saying that we are delighted by the largely positive ratings and that the improvements we have been making are showing results. Some of the measures we are planning still require some time. We are also working hard on making the use of our collections during the coronavirus restrictions as pleasant as possible. You are welcome to contact us with any ideas and criticism. And we would like to thank you for your appreciation!

Last changes: 01.08.2023

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