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Limited opening hours at the DNB in Leipzig

Please note our limited opening hours on 27 and 28 March during the Leipzig Book Fair.


Online publications

The German National Library's collection mandate also encompasses online publications. These include e-books, electronic periodical and newspaper articles, online university publications, printed music and websites. Online publications can easily be used from the catalogue. They are identified by this sign: @. Click the “Open archive object” link in the data record and the file will open.

Free access or access restricted?
The decision as to which rights of use or access apply to each publication is made by the rights holder depositing the publication; alternatively, they are determined according to the applicable copyright legislation.

You can filter unrestricted online publications world-wide in the catalogue by selecting “Online (open access)” as the location, and then access and view these using the “Open archive object” link.

Online publications to which access is restricted can be used from the catalogue at the research workstations in the reading rooms in Leipzig and Frankfurt am Main. These special reading workstations have no internet access. It is not possible to download online publications. You can make black-and-white or coloured paper copies of excerpts from these publications at our printers against paymant of a fee.

Digitised media

The objective of our digitisation strategy is the long-term protection and preservation of original text, image and audio documents as part of Germany's cultural heritage. We also aim to improve visibility, access, the possibilities of using our collection for science, research, education and culture, and the options available to the interested public in Germany and abroad. We use the maximum scope permitted by copyright law when providing access to digitised objects. You can make paper copies of digitised works in black-and-white or colour against paymant of a fee.

Depending on the relevant copyright regulations, we decide whether these digitised works are freely accessible or can only be used on site in the reading room (“Open medium”/“Play sound recording”).


Daily newspapers in e-paper format

In the reading room of the German National Library, a user reads the e-paper edition of a daily newspaper on her computer screen. There are some printed editions of newspapers on the table.

Nowadays, newspaper publishers not only publish printed daily newspapers but also make digital editions with the same layout available to subscribers through the internet. We have been collecting these e-paper editions since 2010.
They become available in our catalogue one week after publication and can be used conveniently at the research workstations in the reading rooms.
Each edition has its own data record, which contains the title, the publication date, the number of pages and the URN (Uniform Resource Name) to facilitate citation of the electronic resource.
You can browse by newspaper title or search for specific e-paper editions. These can be retrieved directly from the catalogue by clicking on “Open archive object”.
On copyright grounds, you are not permitted to copy an e-paper edition or even parts of one in digital format to take home. You can make paper copies of excerpts in black-and-white or colour at our printers against paymant of a fee.


As part of our legal collection mandate, we also collect, catalogue, index and archive websites relating to specific institutions, topics and events. For legal reasons, direct access to the archival copies of most of the websites in our web archive is only possible in our reading rooms.

Use the “Advanced Search” function in our catalogue to narrow down your search to the material type “Archived websites”. Add one or more search terms. The websites found and the relevant archival copies can be opened directly from the catalogue.

Access is also possible from the web archive's start page. Here you can view all harvested websites hierarchically and carry out full-text searches.

In our reading rooms, you can also access a collection of all the .DE domain websites stored in the Internet Archive. You can search this .DE web archive by entering search terms or URLs.

To the German National Library's web archive

To the .DE web archive

More information about the web archiving

Access to the web archive of international thematic and event-based collections

The German National Library contributes to the cooperative collections of the International Internet Preservation Consortium (IIPC). The IIPC’s member organisations collate websites on globally relevant topics such as climate change, the refugee crisis and the coronavirus pandemic, and on events such as European elections and the Olympic Games. The result is an international perspective on the latest events and the way in which they are depicted on the internet. These thematic collections are freely accessible from anywhere in the world.

The IIPC’s international website collections

Digitised tables of contents

We digitise the tables of contents of all monographs, and are now expanding this service to cover the entire collection. The tables of contents are made available worldwide free of charge through the catalogue and our data services.
They facilitate efficient evaluation of the publication's content when searching the catalogue; full text searches of the tables of contents are also possible.

To narrow down your search, select the search key “Table of Contents” in the catalogue's “Advanced Search” function. Enter one or more keywords in the adjacent search field and click on “Find”.
You will then be provided with a list of titles in whose tables of contents the search terms appear.

More information

DNBLab: Access to data sets and digital objects

The German National Library offers free access to its bibliographic data and several collections of digital objects. DNBLab is creating new ways in which these can be used for science and research besides placing them at the disposal of all users with an interest in text and data mining.

Information about how to access our free data, object files and full texts by download and through various interfaces is available in DNBLab.

Electronic Reference Library

The German National Library’s Electronic Reference Library (EHB) is a complement to the reference libraries in the reading rooms. It contains several hundred CD-ROM and DVD databases and online databases for a variety of subjects. These include reference works, dictionaries, bibliographies, newspapers, periodicals and standard works on each subject.
You can also use the Electronic Reference Library to carry out specific searches in historical and current electronic newspapers, sound recordings, sheet music and the German National Library's web archives. The selection available is constantly being updated and expanded.
All these media can also be searched through the catalogue.

You can use the Electronic Reference Library at the research workstations in the reading rooms. For copyright reasons, this service is only available in the reading rooms.

Further information

Last changes: 16.05.2024

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